Widow on the face - all ways to remove lipomas

Wen is a colloquial name for lipoma (lipoblastoma), which is a fatty tissue formation that develops in the subcutaneous layers or internal organs. One of the most common and most unpleasant species for women can be called greens on the face, looking far from attractive.

What is a wen and what is it dangerous?

Considering in more detail what is a fatty gland, it should be noted that these neoplasms can appear at any age, but are often found in women 30-50 years of age. These tumors are benign, often not particularly dangerous to health and not painful. At the same time, sometimes they can increase in size and become inflamed. Growing up, the wen may penetrate deep into the muscle fibers, vascular bundles, surround nerves, thereby causing discomfort and hampering the functioning of the nearby organs.

What does a grease on the face look like?

In most cases, small adipes are formed on the face, but often these are numerous formations prone to fusion. Although from a medical point of view zhiroviki are completely harmless, but from the cosmetology side they represent a noticeable defect. Lipoma on the face is often localized in the near-orbital area - on the eyelids, under the eyes, at the corners of the eyes, under the eyebrows, having the appearance of a yellowish plaque projecting above the skin, soft touching. It can also be a whitish, rounded formation, located mainly on the forehead, cheekbones, nose, in the zone of the nasolabial triangle.

Grease on the face - the causes

Patients encountering such a nuisance are wondering why there are fatty glands on the face, which is important to prevent the formation of formations in the future. The exact reason for the appearance of adipose tissue on the face is not yet established, because Different processes can take part in launching mechanisms of growth of a new growth. In cases where there are adipose on the face, it is a question of superficial formations, more likely, connected with violation of outflow of secretion of sebaceous glands

Finding out what the adipes appear on the face, experts identify a number of factors, in the presence of which the probability of pathology development is high:

How to get rid of zhirovikov on the face?

Lipomas do not disappear on their own, so it's better to think about how to remove the adipocytes from the face as early as possible, until they start to expand. For this purpose it is recommended to visit a dermatologist or beautician, and when forming a large size consult a surgeon. Regardless of the reason, adipes on the face are removed by mechanical means - surgically or through physiotherapy techniques. In rare cases, small greens on the face can be removed in a conservative way with the help of pharmacy or folk remedies.

Can I remove the wen at home?

It is highly discouraged to self-medicate and try to remove the grease on the face at home without even consulting a specialist. If attempts are made to pierce or squeeze out such elements, as a result of disruption of the tissue structure and insufficient disinfection, the problem can be aggravated by provoking an inflammatory process or the formation of coarse scars.

Remedy for adipes on the face

If the formation is shallow, there is a chance that an ointment from the fatty acids on the face will help "pull" its contents out without mechanical interventions. In this case, as a compress, you can use one of the following drugs:

Removing the grease from the face with a laser

One of the most modern and reliable methods by which lipoma is removed on the face is laser exposure. In this case, this method is applicable only for small and not too deep fat subcutaneous formations. The laser radiation flux generated by a special device is directed to the affected area and a selective effect is performed, without affecting the surrounding healthy tissues.

When the grease marks on the face are removed by means of a laser, there is no bleeding and penetration of infectious agents. At the same time as the fat capsule is eliminated, the blood vessels are "sealed" and disinfected. The procedure is performed using local anesthesia. Healing proceeds quickly without edema, infiltration, suppuration.

Radio wave removal of lipoma

Contactless deletion of fatties on the face is possible thanks to a radio-wave knife (scalpel), which converts the electric current into radio waves of a given frequency. The resulting radiation is directed to the pathological focus, due to which layer-by-layer destruction of soft tissues with parallel vascular coagulation and disinfection occurs. For anesthesia, local anesthesia is used.

The radio wave method of liquidation of fat cells on the face is bloodless, has a minimal term of the subsequent rehabilitation, for it development of complications is not characteristic. It is used with small size lipomas, so it is worthwhile to decide on the operation as early as possible, until the formation began to grow. The procedure is contraindicated if the patient has a pacemaker, metal-containing prosthesis.

Surgical removal of lipoma

If the formation reaches significant dimensions, then the question of how to remove the adipose on the face is decided in favor of a classical surgical operation. In this case, the removal is made through a cut in the skin tissue, which is later sewn up, and a pressure bandage is applied from above. Type of anesthesia (local, general) during the intervention is chosen depending on the size of the tumor and the patient's pain sensitivity.

The disadvantage of the surgical technique by means of a scalpel may be an unsatisfactory cosmetic result, there is a risk of forming appreciable scars. In such a case, any of the methods for removing scars can later be applied:

In addition, to reduce the defect, you can use special drugs:

The lipoma has inflamed - what to do or make?

If zhirovik has become inflamed, the reasons for this may be different: rubbing, trauma, improper treatment, penetration of infection. An inflammatory process is manifested in the appearance of swelling in this area, reddening of the skin above the lipoma, soreness of the acute or aching nature, palpation of the exudate inside. With such symptoms, you should not hesitate to consult a doctor, since the purulent process can begin, and the lesion can quickly affect nearby tissues.

To stop the inflammation, local medications are often prescribed: antibiotics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, hormonal corticosteroids. Only after the extinction of the acute process is the question of removing the lipoma in one way or another, selected individually, depending on various factors.