Nourishing Face Mask

Particularly tender and always in the center of attention the skin of the face requires special care - more careful and thorough. Nourishing natural face masks are what every girl, girl and woman needs. Even absolutely healthy and happy ladies from time to time to make a pleasant toning or nourishing mask will be useful. The main thing is to choose the most suitable and effective recipe.

When should I do nourishing facial masks?

Facial skin care should be permanent. With the help of properly selected masks the skin can be moistened, toned, cleaned, filled with vitamins. Masks therapeutic do too often is not recommended. But preventive procedures can be carried out year-round. Especially relevant is the use of face masks in the following cases:

  1. More often than usual, nutritious and vitamin facial masks should be done in the winter-spring period. At this time, the body is weakened, which primarily affects the condition of the epidermis. Nutritious and vitamin masks will help ensure that the skin will look good regardless of the season.
  2. Make cleansing and nourishing masks for people who are in close contact with harmful substances.
  3. The skin always feels and reacts negatively to bad mood, stress, overstrain, depression. Because of problems in the work of the nervous system, the skin begins to peel, irritations and acne appear on it. Depressing the mask for the face, of course, can not, but with the task of improving the condition of the skin will cope for all two hundred.

Means for the procedure can be bought at any pharmacy or specialized store, but in fact, you can prepare a nutritious, rejuvenating, cleansing face mask at home. Most recipes are very accessible and simple. Ingredients for their preparation are always at hand in any home.

Recipes for the best nourishing face masks

You can select the most suitable mask only after several experiments. Fortunately, there is something to experiment with. Here are the most popular and well-proven recipes for nourishing face masks:

  1. The easiest way - to put on the skin gruel from freshly squeezed berries and fruits. It is advisable to choose products more conveniently, but if necessary, the basis of the mask can be diluted with milk.
  2. To prepare this home nutritional mask for the face will take a minimum of time: cleaning cucumbers for a dish, skins do not throw away, and for a few minutes put on your face. If desired, instead of skins, you can take a few thin rings of cucumber.
  3. For dry skin in summer, you can prepare a mask from the plum. The fruit without the skin is mixed with the melon pulp and any vegetable oil. Apply this remedy on the skin for about a quarter of an hour, and then rinse off first with warm, then with cool water.
  4. Owners of oily skin can not be better suited mask from eggs with lemon. The protein is beaten to foam and mixed with the juice of half a lemon. Add a pinch of salt to the mask and apply on the face.
  5. A classy natural nourishing face mask is made from sauerkraut. Mix the cabbage through a meat grinder with one protein and a tablespoon of flour and mix thoroughly. After a quarter of an hour after application, wash off the mask with a damp cloth.
  6. The combined skin is favorably affected by the mask from a night cream with a grated apple. The components are thoroughly mixed and put on the skin for a quarter of an hour. The mask is washed off with warm water.
  7. Another nutritious moisturizing face mask is prepared from egg yolk. Rub it and mix it with a tablespoon of fatty cream until the foam forms.