Dried fruits with breastfeeding

Quality and rational nutrition in breastfeeding - a pledge of your own health and mom's health of the baby. Dried fruits for nursing mothers are an opportunity to get various kinds of vitamins and microelements, as well as to prevent the problems with the intestines and stool, which are often found in young mothers. However, many are worried by the questions: is it possible for dried fruit to be fed to a nursing mother, because she needs to follow a diet for nursing mothers , so as not to cause a negative reaction to the food of the baby. Doctors allow dried fruits with HS, but there are a number of features that should be remembered.

What dried fruits can a nursing mother?

Dried fruits are an important source of nutrients, as well as dietary fiber, which significantly improve the digestive process. Almost all dried fruits are allowed to the nursing mother, except for those for which she has an allergy or an individual intolerance is revealed. However, in this case, start eating dried fruits for nursing recommended from small portions and not earlier than 2-3 weeks after delivery. Some dried fruits can cause fermentation in the stomach, and hence the reaction of the baby - colic or allergies. If you think that the dried fruits eaten on the eve of the baby cause anxiety, it is better to postpone their introduction to the diet and for some time to observe a diet of lactating mothers with colic or with allergies.

Compote of dried fruits nursing mom

Dried fruits in the form of compote are for the nursing mother the optimal way of obtaining a sufficient amount of liquid, as well as vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Compote of dried fruits with GV is best prepared independently from whole dried fruits, not special mixtures, thoroughly washing them. In the compote, you can add a small amount of sugar, if desired, and if there is no allergy, cinnamon and vanilla. Compote of dried fruits during lactation increases the production of milk.

Dried fruits with breastfeeding are a great way to diversify your diet. The main thing is to choose only quality dried fruits and start eating them gradually. That is why it is possible to answer the question whether the nursing dried fruits are in the affirmative.