Ibuprofen with breastfeeding

Ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic. It is a widely known, effective and common drug that is found in almost every home medicine cabinet. When it comes to using ibuprofen while breastfeeding, you should first consult with your doctor.

Let's consider in what cases the given medicine is used:

There are still some symptoms in which ibuprofen is used, all of which are described in detail in the instructions for the drug.

Ibuprofen during lactation

If necessary, doctors can prescribe ibuprofen to nursing mothers. This is explained by the fact that the drug and its decay products in small amounts, of course, fall into breast milk, but such dosage is not dangerous for the baby. Studies have shown that it is only 0.6% of the dose taken by the mom. In addition, this drug does not affect the amount of milk produced.

However, ibuprofen is prescribed for lactation only if the following two basic conditions are met:

If a nursing mother needs a longer treatment or a higher dosage of the drug, breastfeeding should be stopped while taking ibuprofen. About when it will be possible to continue lactation and how to keep it for this time, you can consult your doctor.