Carpet on kefir

Carpet cooked on yogurt, is most lush and soft. Its taste is easy to diversify by adding various combinations of spices, as well as honey or jam. Several variations of such baking today in our recipes.

How to bake a kovrizhka with jam on kefir - recipe



Preparation of the dough for mashing begins with whipping eggs. Mix them with sugar and achieve with a mixer of splendor and dissolve all the sugar crystals. After that, add jam and yogurt, pour baking soda and stir all the good. We knead the dough with vanilla, cinnamon and cardamom, sift flour there and achieve the maximum possible uniform texture.

Next, proceed to bake baking. We spread the prepared mass in an oiled baking dish and place it in a well-heated oven for thirty-five to forty minutes. The temperature regime is maintained at 180 degrees.

After making sure that the meat is ready for a dry match, let it cool down a bit, and then take it out of the mold and decorate it with sugar powder.

A rug on yogurt with jam can be baked in a multivark. To do this, use the function "Baking" and we will prepare the dish until the end of the program for an hour. If necessary, if the test shows a wet center, extend the operation of the device in the same mode for another fifteen minutes.

Honey marmalade on kefir - recipe


Particularly gentle and soft mildew on kefir is obtained with honey. For its preparation, we combine all the dry ingredients in a bowl. Namely, we sift the flour, pour in soda and salt, add ground coriander, cinnamon, mix, pour kefir and stir again.

Next, in another vessel, we connect honey, eggs and granulated sugar, grind everything well to the maximum homogeneity, whip and mix with the contents of the first container. The texture of the finished dough should resemble sour cream of medium density. Then we intervene in it in advance washed, dried and powdered with raisins and leave under room conditions for twenty minutes. During this time, just warm the oven to the required 200 degrees.

After the time has passed, we shift the dough into a pre-oiled and sprinkled with semolina croup and place it on the middle level of the oven. Depending on the diameter and size of the form, it takes from thirty to fifty minutes to bake honey. Readiness is defined traditionally by dry match.

Ready-made carpet can be decorated at will with powdered sugar.

Tasty morsel on yogurt without eggs


For the test:

For impregnation:


Mix all the ingredients in a bowl for room temperature and let it brew for twenty minutes. Then we put the resulting mass on a baking tray or in a mold and bake until ready at a temperature of 190 degrees. After cooling, cut the resulting cake into two or three cakes and soak it with cream prepared by beating thick sour cream with sugar and vanilla.