Treatment of urticaria in the home

Treatment of many diseases at home without agreement with the attending physician may cause a prolonged recovery or deterioration of well-being.

This must be taken into account before engaging in self-medication. In addition, one more important condition of home healing is that a person must know exactly the diagnosis and causes of the disease .

If all these points are met, then the chance of successful treatment increases dramatically.

How is hives treated?

To treat urticaria, medicines are often used - these remedies are more effective than natural ingredients - herbs, tinctures, etc.

Broths can be used as an additional method of treatment.

Sometimes with skin diseases it is useful to use baths or compresses. However, one must understand who the urticaria is only manifested as a skin disease, and in fact it is an internal problem that needs to be solved by taking the medications inside.

To know what to drink with hives, you need to understand the reason that caused it. So the set of medicines will differ in different cases: for example, in diseases of the nervous system, sedatives are needed, and to remove the symptoms of urticaria - antihistamines.

How to treat hives in an adult and a child:

  1. First, the cause of urticaria is determined.
  2. Then, parallel therapy is performed: a disease-causing agent of the rash and the rash itself is treated.
  3. To reduce the immunological response, the body should be cleaned of toxins, regardless of whether there is food, medication, parasitic or any other allergy.
  4. Also during treatment, you need to observe a hypoallergenic diet consisting of cereals, soups, and excluding chicken, red vegetables and fruits, sweets.

Treatment of hives with folk remedies

Traditional methods of treatment of urticaria often consist in making baths with decoctions of herbs.

Baths with hives are not the most effective method of treatment, and not the safest, because any allergen in the period of exacerbation can cause an even greater reaction. However, some herbs can remove the itch.

With hives, the following herbs are used:

Alternate with urticaria brew in a saucepan (150 g), and let it brew for 40 minutes. Then the broth is poured into the bath, and the patient should be in the water for 15 minutes. If the urticaria is manifested in many parts of the body, you should refuse for a while from thermal procedures, since hot water can aggravate the situation.

With a slight allergy to relieve the itching and improve the general condition of the skin in the bath, you can add not only the sequence, but also chamomile, which removes inflammation and slightly disinfects.

What to take with hives?

In the first place with urticaria take antihistamine. The last generation of antihistamines does not act as a soporific on the body in the way that suprastin or ketotifen did.

Cetrin, allergin and their analogs refer to modern drugs that you need to drink first, if an allergy has started.

Also, you can take calcium at home, but it's forbidden for a long time. Calcium helps to strengthen membranes, and histamine is not released.

Activated charcoal with hives is one of the first means, as it cleanses the intestines. Instead of activated carbon, you can take liferan, enterosgel, sorbex or white coal. Taking sorbents, you need to make sure that they do not cause constipation.

In severe cases with hives, prednisolone and its analogs are prescribed. It is a glucocorticosteroid synthetic hormone of the adrenal cortex, which allows the body to cope with a stressful situation. Constantly or often it can not be used, because the body gets used to this hormone, and then the adrenal glands produce it less.

To remove the itching, you can use and local drugs - hormonal ointments from allergies.

Otherwise, the treatment of urticaria depends on what caused it: if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then you need to take appropriate medication to adjust this body system, if the balance of hormones is broken, then, respectively, to make compensation with the help of synthetic hormonal substitutes.