Sarcopthosis in cats

Sarcoptic disease is an invasive disease of cats and other animals, accompanied by itching, skin lesions, scab and crust formation, hair loss and rapid animal exhaustion.

The causative agent are mites type Arthropoda, the genus Sarcoptes. They have short limbs and a round shape. On the legs there are bell-shaped suckers on two paws. The value of insects is 0.2 - 0.5 mm. Ticks affect the superciliary arches, nasal septum and the base of the auricle, after which they pass to the chest, abdomen and other parts of the body. Sarcopthosis in cats is a rather unpleasant disease that can bring a lot of discomfort to the pet.

Sarcopthosis in cats - symptoms

The first manifestations of the disease are manifested as early as 10-20 days after infection. The main symptom is pronounced itching, which can intensify by the evening. The first lesions appear on the head. The disease is also accompanied by secondary symptoms:

A person can get sarcoptosis from his pet. This happens with direct contact with the animal, or through various household items. In humans, Sarcoptes mites bite into the skin, causing inflammation, which is accompanied by the appearance of papular eruptions on the body. The only thing that pleases - ticks can not last long on the human body, they need an animal.

Than to treat a sarcoptosis?

The disease is diagnosed on the basis of the above mentioned trait and is refined by examining deep skin scrapings. They are taken with a scalpel between the affected and healthy skin. The resulting scraping is poured with sodium / potassium solution, after which the biomass under the cover glass is examined. When sarcoptic disease in cats is diagnosed, treatment can be started.

Before applying the medications, the skin is removed from the skin, previously washed with soap and water. Pustules are treated with antibacterial agents. Minor lesions are lubricated with the following composition: 5 parts of tar, 45 vaseline, 30 green soaps, 10 sedimentary sulfur, and 100 parts of petroleum jelly. You can take liniment tanacetovy. Ointments are rubbed 2-3 times with interruptions in 6-7 days. Good results are given by keratolytic shampoos. In addition, synthetic pyrethroids, ivermectin, frontline can be used.

Simultaneously with the treatment you need to start a thorough cleaning of the apartment.