Cupcakes - simple recipes

Tea drinking is always more pleasant when there is homemade cakes on the table. Now you will learn how to quickly and easily bake a cake.

The easiest cupcake recipe



Butter is softened by simply removing it from the refrigerator in advance, and then whipping it with sugar, there also add vanillin to taste. We pour in kefir, drive in eggs, stir well. We pour sift through the sieve and soda, which is extinguished with vinegar. Also, according to your taste, you can add dried fruits, nuts, raisins. Well, everything is mixed and sent to a form smeared with oil. Bake for 40 minutes at a moderate temperature.

Cupcake on milk - simple recipe


For the test:

To fill:


First, beat the eggs, add flour, mango, baking powder, vanillin, a pinch of salt and mix well until smooth. We grease the form with vegetable oil, place the dough into it and put it in a heated oven for 25 minutes. The temperature should be 180 degrees. In the meantime, we are engaged in pouring - we heat the milk, add sugar and stir until it is completely dissolved. After that, the container with sweet milk is placed in the refrigerator - the pouring must necessarily be cold. When the cupcake is ready, right there in the form, we pour it with a fill. Leave for about half an hour. During this time, the liquid is absorbed well.

Lemon cake is a simple recipe



For the test, combine the softened butter, eggs and grated zest of one lemon. Then pour the sifted flour, powdered sugar and pour in the milk. Thoroughly mix everything. The form is lubricated with oil, covered with baking paper and covered with a layer of oil. Put the dough into the mold and put it in the oven with a temperature of 180 degrees. While the muffin is baked, make a lemon syrup. To do this, combine sugar and lemon juice, squeezed out their two lemons. And for sugar to dissolve well, the syrup needs to be heated. Ready cake directly hot watered with the resulting syrup. Approximately in half an hour it will be well impregnated and will cool down. Then it can be cut into pieces and call everyone for tea.

A simple cupcake recipe with raisins



Softened cream butter whisked with brown sugar until a lush mass. Then we add Vanilla sugar, a pinch of salt and again all the whisk. Then one by one we drive the eggs, whipping well. Sprinkle the sifted flour with baking powder and mix until smooth. You should get a pretty thick dough. We wash the raisins with boiling water and leave it for a couple of minutes. Then we drain the water, drain the raisins and crush it in flour. Add it to the dough and mix well. The oblong form is lubricated with oil, rubbed with flour and spread the dough. The top is leveled, and along the center along we make a cut about 1 cm deep. Then in the finished keksika you will get a beautiful crack. Bake the product for about 1 hour at 160-170 degrees. The finished simple cake with raisins is cooled, placed on a grate and rubbed with powdered sugar. Bon Appetit everyone!