Blake Lively said that you should not believe the appearance shown in the photo

Hollywood star 30-year-old Blake Lively has recently become a participant in the filming of the show "Sesame Street." After that, the actress shared a few photos from this event, arguing that the appearance, especially the one shown in the magazine, is very deceptive. As it turned out, Blake knows this from his many years of experience.

Blake Lively

Lively said that she was teased at school

After the shooting in the TV show was over, Blake decided to tell her that at school she was far from perfect, and because of this she had a huge number of complexes. That's what Lively said about this:

"Now I remember with a smile my elementary school, but earlier for me it was a great torture. Then I was compared to a yellow chicken, because I had a rather strange shade of hair. In addition, I was tall, slightly taller than all the other girls in the class. Now I want to introduce to you my new friend, with whom we made friends on the set. This chicken reminds me of me when I was in junior school. Remember, appearance has the property to change! ".
A new friend of Blake Lively
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Blake talked about her fake photos

After that, the 30-year-old actress continued to talk about what it means to look in the modern world. That's what Lively said about this:

"Frankly, those photos that can be found in glosses and the Internet are nothing more than an excellent job of photographers and editors who perfectly own photoshop. Sometimes it happens that I hardly know myself, although I understand that I participated in this shoot. I understand that this is how the world of modern perception works, but this does not mean that he needs to believe. Now I want to appeal to all the girls who idolize images in glossy magazines. Believe me, almost all of them are not real. We are the most ordinary people who have complexes and shortcomings. Do not believe that popular magazines are published. You know, I sometimes feel very ashamed of what I see on their pages. I find myself thinking that I have been photographed to such an extent that I have become an ideal. In fact, this is wrong, because we do not know what feelings the girls feel when they look at these pictures. Perhaps they begin to torture themselves with hunger to have such a thin waist and hips, as they saw in gloss. Think about it. I really do not want to disappoint my fans, because I know that their opinion is very valuable. "