Electric convector

This heater in many respects surpasses the usual central heating radiator for heating quality, and if compared with other electric heaters, it is more convenient for them that it is never confused under the feet and extremely simple to operate.

Principle of operation of an electric convector

At its core, the electric convector is an electric heater. Outwardly it is a metal case inside which there is a built-in heating element controlled by a thermostat.

The heating element (ТЭН) in this case is represented by a conductor of high resistance, which is placed in a ceramic shell and sealed in an aluminum or steel case, which has the form of a radiator.

All these design features provide an excellent heat return, since the area of ​​interaction with air is increased several times, and the temperature of the working surface during the operation of the heater can be 60-100 degrees Celsius. In addition, an additional advantage of such a heater is that it does not overdry the air and does not burn oxygen.

The principle of the convector is quite simple. Cold air, which is located below the floor, gets into the heater grate, moves and passes through the heating device, it becomes warmer and lighter, because of what it rises upwards. Cooling down, the upper layers again descend to the floor, get into the convector and everything repeats again. That is, there is a constant movement of air in the room, which positively affects the comfort of all who are in it.

Electric convectors - how to choose?

There are several types of electric heating convectors, depending on the way they are installed - floor and wall . The choice of this or that convector depends on your preferences and how you intend to use the device. It is difficult to say which of these electric convectors is better or worse.

Another thing is if you want to buy an inexpensive but good heater, saving the budget without compromising the quality of the heating. In this case, there are several tips for reaching such a consensus.

For example, you can significantly save money by choosing a manual control model instead of an automatic thermostat. If you plan to use a convector as a temporary replacement for a central heating radiator, this will be enough for you.

You can save money on TEN - choose more budget models with needle heaters. Although they are inferior in practicality, but they are quite applicable in practice.

Always pay attention to the quality of the heater. Since this particular part in the device is the most important, its service life means the time that the convector will serve you. Typically, manufacturers guarantee at least 15 years of operation of the convector, although more recently, using higher quality materials for the manufacture of the heater body, it has been possible to achieve a longer service life. Of course, such devices are somewhat more expensive, but they will definitely last longer.

When choosing a convector, be sure to pay attention to the power of the model. On 1 square meter of the area it is necessary about 100 W of electric power. So a room of 20 squares will need a convector of 2000 watts. And if in the room high ceilings, then for a comfortable microclimate the required power is increased by 1.5 times. Of course, if the device you purchase as an additional source of heat, you can choose models with lower power.

For a summer cottage, provided there is no central heating, electric convectors are an excellent heating option. Wall convectors are characterized by high heat output at their small compact dimensions. Although in a city apartment such a device will be an excellent friend in the cool demi-season periods, when it's already cold outside, and the time of heating on has not yet come.