Hyperreactivity of the bronchi

After inhaling various irritants, for example, methacholine, acetylcholine, histamine, there is hyperreactivity of the bronchi - a sharp contraction of the smooth muscles. The causes of this phenomenon are individual, in addition, precise mechanisms for the development of hyperreactivity are unknown. In rare cases, pathology is primary and inherited genetically, but more often the problem is secondary, arises from the transferred diseases of the respiratory system.

At what diseases is hyperreactivity of the bronchi observed?

The described condition accompanies the following pathologies:

Symptoms of bronchial hyperreactivity

The distinctive clinical manifestations of this syndrome are the following symptoms:

Treatment of bronchial hyperreactivity

Completely eliminate the considered disease is difficult, so it needs constant monitoring and control.

First of all, medications that can stop an attack are prescribed:

It is important to observe the rules that prevent the recurrence of hyperreactivity:

  1. Healthy food.
  2. Allow time for physical activity.
  3. Rinse the nasopharynx in the period of epidemics of ARVI and ARI.
  4. Wash hands after walking and visiting crowded places.
  5. Sleep enough hours.