Scars on the face

Scars are on everyone's body. There is a history associated with all the scars. In principle, with any scars can be reconciled, but not on the face. Even a small mark can spoil the appearance and upset her owner. Fortunately, getting rid of hateful scars is quite realistic.

Removal of scars on the face

Scars removed quite problematic, but possible. The newer the scar, the easier it is to remove it. In any case, you need to be prepared for the procedure to be stretched for several years, but as a result you will be able to get clean skin, as well as before the appearance of a scar on it (if not better!).

Of course, it is impossible to apply any radical methods for removing a scar on the face without the permission of a specialist. A professional can recommend the following ways of fighting:

  1. Laser treatment of scars on the face allows you to remove even the most ancient markings. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. After a full course of procedures on the face will not remain the slightest memory of the scar.
  2. Dermatomassage - skin resurfacing. During the procedure, carefully remove the top layer of the skin. Pleasant little - this method is actually quite painful, but effective.
  3. In some cases, the best remedy for a scar on the face is a surgical scalpel. You can change the contours of the scar or transplant the skin. Sometimes a special sachet with saline is sewed under the scar. Due to this, the scar is stretched, after which the foreign object is carefully and completely removed.
  4. Effective procedure - chemical peeling . In this case, also removes the upper layer of the skin, but the cleaning is not so painful. Special substances are used for peeling.

Creams and ointments from the scars on the face

Shallow and fresh scars and scars can be treated with special ointments. Means contribute to resorption and smoothing of the skin.

The most popular creams look as follows:

  1. Dermatix is a silicone based product. It covers the problem locally with a special invisible silicone film. Suitable for any scars.
  2. A popular ointment from the scars on the face is Kontraktubeks . This remedy inhibits the formation of scar tissue, removes Inflammation and promotes the growth of a new layer of the epidermis.
  3. Mederma is an analog of Kontraktubeks. Cool copes with atrophic scars.

To treat the scars are suitable and folk remedies. Clarify the skin in place of the scar can be sour juice of sour fruits and vegetables:

A good remedy is a banana mask .