Bursitis of foot

Bursitis of the foot is called the inflammatory process affecting the joint bags. As a result, fluid accumulates in the joint cavity, often purulent or with an admixture of blood.

Symptoms of bursitis of the foot

Busit is accompanied by such signs:

  1. The accumulation of exudate leads to swelling and redness in the area of ​​the affected joint.
  2. At night, puffiness increases, and aching pain is felt.
  3. Gradually, there is limited movement.
  4. In the inflammation zone, the temperature rises. In acute form, its value can reach 40 degrees.

Treatment of foot bursitis

Treatment includes 4 directions:

  1. Ensuring the immovability of the joint. To do this, use special gypsum langets. It is desirable for the patient to be at rest and not to move independently. With such pathologies as bursitis of the foot or plantar fasciitis , it is necessary to fix the foot, reducing the load to a minimum.
  2. Elimination of symptoms. To this end, apply local therapy. Widely used anti-inflammatory non-steroid drugs, for example, Ibuprofen ointment or Fastum-gel.
  3. Surgical intervention. It is resorted to with a significant amount of exudate. In this case, the bursa is pierced and the fluid that has accumulated in the joint cavity is removed. At the same time, Hydrocortisone or Kenalog - steroid hormones are injected into the cavity. Thus, the inflammatory process is removed.
  4. If the inflammation is purulent, puncture is mandatory. In this case, the treatment of bursitis of the foot is carried out with antibiotics, which during puncture are injected into the joint bag. Also, antibiotic drugs are prescribed intravenously.

How to treat bursitis of feet at home?

In a complex with medicamental therapy it is possible to apply the widespread national methods.

The recipe for broth


Preparation and use

Raw materials are poured in water, bring the liquid to a boil. The boiled broth is removed from the plate and insisted for an hour. The broth is recommended for use for compresses that help to remove puffiness and redness of tissues.

A good effect gives dry heat. Warm up the joint with a calcified salt, poured into a thick linen bag.

However, folk recipes should be used with caution. With purulent bursitis, warming up can lead to the progression of pathology. It is necessary to coordinate home treatment with an orthopedist.