How to lose weight with the help of magic?

Many women dream of a beautiful and slender figure. Some prefer traditional methods - proper nutrition and exercise. Others decide on more exotic methods and even seek help from the Higher Forces. Therefore, it is not surprising that many are interested in how to lose weight with the help of magic. There are many different conspiracies and rituals that contribute to solving this issue.

Slimming with the help of magic - Simoron

Simoron - a kind of game psycho-training, which will help to unlock potential, to release from everything bad that surrounds you. This kind of magic will change not only the behavior of a person, but also his attitude to the world as a whole. Rituals are always conducted only with a positive mood and a belief in success.

  1. An unusual diet . Do not worry, I will not have to limit myself to food. First, choose the diet that you like best, it is better if it has a name, for example, the "Ducane diet". Write on the sheet of paper the name of the chosen diet and each time sit on it during a meal.
  2. A wonderful leaf . Take a blank sheet of paper and colored pencils. Write on the piece of paper the weight that you would like to get rid of. Put it in a backpack, put it on your shoulders and start jumping. Adherents of this magic say that soon you will notice the first positive results.
  3. Magic gel . For this ritual, take a regular shower gel and replace the label with it. It is important - to come up with an original name, for example, "Antiguer" or "Pohudin". Wash them with confidence that it washes off all your fat.

It is very important to believe in success and not to tell anyone about the help of magic.

How to lose weight with the help of Voodoo magic?

Ancient and powerful magic Voodoo also has in its arsenal several ways to rapid weight loss. Remember that you should not tell anyone about the ritual, otherwise there will be no result.

From the test make a semblance of a human figure with excess weight. When reading a plot, separate small pieces of the test in the places with which you have problems. Do this until you reach the desired result. At the end of the ritual, everything that you tore off must be collected in one piece and burned. Keep the doll at home, away from other people. The plot sounds like this: "The dough rises, the body It decreases, the pig gets fat, and with the slave (name) the fat will come down. The month decreases, the body falls, the body melts. As the month wanes, so does the slave (name) the body melt. The key, the lock, the tongue . "

How fast to lose weight with the help of magic?

People who are constantly fighting with extra pounds, you can try to seek help from the Higher Powers. The ritual, which is carried out with the help of black magic , is considered by many to be a sufficiently effective method of fighting for a slender figure and beauty.

Lie down on the floor and lift up the index fingers of both hands and say the following words: "You, the sky, high and immense, take your fullness and my fullness. For now, for ages, for all time. Amen". Now lift your toes and repeat these words. Repeat these actions for 40 consecutive days.