Siberian fiber for weight loss

Fiber is vital for the proper functioning of our body, but often we get it from food in insufficient quantities. In order to solve this problem, and with it the problem of hungry diets, it is worth using Siberian fiber.

This nutritional supplement helps to lose weight by swelling, getting into the stomach, creating a sense of satiety, which lasts for several hours, so you calmly pass by fatty foods without feeling hungry and besides, you have lost the hunt snack every hour.

Composition of Siberian fiber

The composition of Siberian fiber pleases its naturalness. It does not contain dyes or chemical additives, it always contains rust or wheat millet shells, berry and fruit additives, sometimes nuts . Such a composition guarantees remarkable effectiveness and enriches the body of a woman with essential vitamins and microelements. If you are wondering whether Siberian fiber helps to lose weight, then we can say with confidence that yes. This is due to the fact that its constituent components contribute to reducing blood sugar, improving intestinal motility and cleaning the body of toxins. All this just leads to a decrease in body weight, along with the fact that using fiber, you rarely snack and feel hungry.

The use of Siberian fiber is not limited only to the need to lose weight, it should be used by women to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal system, maintain normal intestinal microflora, improve skin color and hair structure, and maintain strength and improve the general condition of the organism in conditions of constant congestion and stress. Siberian fiber, like any product, has contraindications to the use. First, it should not be used by people who have stomach and pancreas diseases: an open ulcer, cholecystitis and pancreatitis. In addition, fiber contributes to gas formation, after it can appear unpleasant sensations in the abdomen and bloating, so consider these nuances before using it.

Secondly, when you take fiber, you should strictly follow the dosage, because its unbearable absorption strongly stretches the stomach, thereby provoking hunger.

How to consume fiber?

Let's figure out how to properly use Siberian fiber. First of all, it must be diluted before use in water, tea or other liquid, for example in soup or yoghurt. After you eat fiber, it should be washed down with plenty of liquid: water, herbal infusion or compote. The daily norm of consumption is on the average 3-4 st. spoons, the exact dosage can be found in the instructions for the specific product. This dose should be divided into 3-4 meals and drink fiber for half an hour before meals. As mentioned earlier, in no case exceed the daily intake rate.

If you have already decided to go on a diet using fiber, then a dilemma may arise which Siberian fiber is better. Here everything is quite simple, this product is offered by various manufacturers and to choose the one suitable for you, it is worth to carefully study the composition of the product and reviews about it. There is no one kind of fiber that would be better than others, here everything is purely individual. After you have learned about the harm and benefits of Siberian fiber, it remains only to determine whether you need to lose weight or improve the work of your body with it.