Does grapefruit burn fats?

Grapefruit for today is not considered an exotic fruit, it can be bought in almost any stall. Demand generates a proposal, and since we meet it on all counters, its popularity is at its peak. Why did this grapefruit love originate, does grease burn grapefruit , and where did it come from, about all this in turn.

Mysterious origin

Grapefruit does not grow in the wild. There are two hypotheses of the appearance of grapefruit fat burner. Perhaps it originated as a renal citrus mutation. In addition, it could become the fruit of someone's crosses. As for the name, in the XVII-XVIII centuries it was called the "forbidden fruit". However, this name did not contribute to the merchant trade, and they renamed the "forbidden fruit" into a grapefruit, that is, a fruit growing in bunches.


The grapefruit contains a daily dose of vitamin C, vitamins D, A, PP, as well as potassium, calcium iron. That's why grapefruit copes well with anemia, and also protects us in the winter from infections and viruses. In grapefruit, you can do everything with health benefits: the bones have antiseptic and antifungal action, the peel strengthens the vessels, and in bitter veins, which, by the way, many throw out, contains a maximum of useful substances, precisely those that make the grapefruit a fat-burning fruit.

Grapefruit burns fats thanks to two substances:

Naringin is the source of bitter grapefruit. It activates the metabolism , removes fats from the body, cleanses the blood vessels. The redder the grapefruit, the more naringin it contains, and, accordingly, it is more bitter and useful as a choleretic.

Inositol is a natural fat burner that gives a command to the liver to utilize fats, and not to convert carbohydrates into fats. At the same time, it increases the secretion of insulin, which lowers the level of sugar in the blood and prevents the occurrence of a desire to eat something sweet.

About how many fats burns grapefruit, still argue. Some nutritionists believe that he is not worthy to be based on diets, despite the fact that they recognize the useful properties that are hidden in this "forbidden fruit." Others, on the contrary, recommend eating half a grapefruit before eating, so you not only reduce your appetite and eat less at dinner, you will give the stomach a signal to produce acid, the salivary glands will begin the process of salivating, and digestion will certainly accelerate.

Against cellulite

However, this is not the whole use of grapefruit in losing weight. If you are afraid of the appearance of cellulite, or try to fight this "plague", we recommend that you massage the problem areas using grapefruit oil. It tones up the skin, makes it supple, and, importantly, high-nutrition nourishes the most essential vitamins for burning subcutaneous fat. In addition, in the fight against cellulite will not hurt the optimistic mood, and grapefruit oil copes well with the blues.

Grapefruit Cocktail

If you decide to sit on a grapefruit diet, arrange a fasting day, or just adore this fruit, we recommend that you try a fat-burning cocktail from grapefruit.



From the grapefruit and orange squeeze the juice, cut the banana into pieces, put everything in the blender together with the ice. Beat, pour into a glass, decorate with a slice of grapefruit. Enjoy!


Despite the benefits, we can not do without contraindications: