Chocolate wrap at home

Chocolate ... Even with the sound of this word I want to blissfully roll my eyes and purr, and even about the taste and smell of speech and do not need to. Scientists have long been proven that the smell of chocolate alone can significantly improve mood. But chocolate has a positive effect not only on our mental state, the skin also very well reacts to all sorts of procedures with this delicacy. So it's surprising that in recent years, chocolate wraps for weight loss are becoming more popular? They even learned to do at home, because there is nothing complicated, and all products are available. The composition of the chocolate wrap is very simple: cocoa powder or chocolate, water and a little essential oil, that's all you need to pamper your skin.

How to make chocolate anti-cellulite wrap at home?

Still, at home, chocolate wrapping is best used not to lose weight, but to fight cellulite. Although some weight loss and a decrease in volumes will naturally be, it is not worth waiting for stunning results in this direction. That's the state of the skin will really improve, cellulite will disappear, the skin will become even and velvety.

So, how to make chocolate wrap at home? Here the technique is not different from other similar procedures, but still pay attention to it. Before the procedure, the skin is cleansed with a scrub, the coffee is ideal, for this it is enough to mix the shower gel and the coffee grounds. After the prepared skin we apply the composition, wrap the food film of the hips, stomach and waist, put on warm clothes and cover ourselves with a blanket. For 30-40 minutes from the world around you can fall out, relaxed waiting for the completion of the action of a delicious composition. After the procedure, we take a warm shower and, after wetting the body with a towel, we apply moisturizing cream to it with the addition of a couple drops of lemon essential oil (orange or grapefruit). Such wraps are done every 4 days. The whole procedure will take 7-8.

Chocolate wrapping recipe

Chocolate wrapping at home can be done according to different recipes, but the main difference is their composition. The main component can be cocoa powder or melted chocolate, which you like more, choose yourself.

  1. Take 500 grams of cocoa powder (we need no additives) and pour 500 ml of hot water. You can add 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed cinnamon, it will help to speed up the process of splitting adipose tissue. Wait until the resulting mass of lightly cool, and put it on the skin. Apply the composition on the body need a thick layer.
  2. Buy tiles of bitter chocolate, with a cocoa content of at least 50%. We melt the tile in a water bath, add 4-5 drops of essential oil of orange (lemon, grapefruit) and 1 tablespoon of olive oil.
  3. Take 200 grams of cocoa powder and mix it with 2 tablespoons of fatty cream and 1 tablespoon of olive oil.
  4. Mix 3 tablespoons of cocoa, 1,5 tablespoons of cocoa powder and crushed algae and add 2 tablespoons of coffee oil. All thoroughly mix and apply to problem areas.
  5. Prepare a thick cocoa beverage (should be like a liquid porridge), add ginger powder, mix everything and cool to a temperature comfortable for your skin.

What is useful chocolate wrap?

The benefits of chocolate wrapping are not only good anti-cellulite effects, due to the splitting of fats and the removal of slags. Chocolate has a toning and rejuvenating effect, helps the skin to become softer, delicate and moisturized. And of course, chocolate wraps all raise the mood without exception - it's so easy to feel like a queen, when covered from head to foot with this delicacy.