How to lose weight nursing mom?

Weight gain during pregnancy once again proves how much the genetic memory of our most ancient and distant ancestors has a strong influence on our modern life. Previously, people could not even dream about the current satiety, so during the pregnancy the body learned to save energy for the mother, subject to additional energy expenditure, as well as for the development of the fetus and the future of breastfeeding. Our body does not want to change its good and reliable tradition, and practices weight gain, regardless of your well-being and prosperity. That is why the topic of how to lose weight nursing mom, is relevant for all women postpartum period.

Lose weight automatically

For breastfeeding, you take an average of about 800 calories a day - you must agree that before giving birth, it was difficult for you to find physical exercises or a diet that would deprive you of that many calories. Proceeding from this fact, to lose weight after giving birth to a nursing mother is theoretically very simple and real. To do this, you should remember your prenatal diet (provided that you did not have excess weight, and the diet was balanced) and again start to adhere to it. The correct diet will cover your personal energy expenditure, and fatty deposits will be split to cover these 800 "milk" calories.

With the normal restoration of all processes - metabolism , hormonal background, motor activity, you will return the old forms after the same nine months, just like the weight was gained.

Problem number 1 - eat like a pregnant woman

The main problem, why women after birth can not cope with losing weight - this is their new habit of eating in the pregnant. That is: we eat for two, we go on about our caprices - "I want a cake and urgently," or we seize the lack of social life with homemade cakes, for cooking, which, unlike sports, now has a lot of time.

Forget about "I eat for two." The menu of a nursing mother in order to lose weight, should not be different from the balanced diet of any other woman. Eat more plant food, pamper yourself useful, not harmful, and stop shaking about allergies and colic in babies. If you continue to eat the same as during pregnancy, this can not lead to allergic reactions, because a child in the womb is already accustomed to her diet.

Problem number 2 - the slave complex

Now that you are finally a mother, you mistakenly think that you should devote yourself exclusively to staying at home. Being a mother is wonderful and, of course, a child now takes a huge portion of your time and attention, but that does not mean that you have ceased to be a woman. A woman should (should) spend her powers in a kind that corresponds to the right to consider herself a female. Therefore, you must puzzle the problem of how you can lose weight to nursing mom and use every second with the maximum benefit for the process of losing weight:

  1. Sleep is the time for the regeneration of the whole organism (exactly what you need right now). In the first days, weeks and months after birth, you should sleep at the same time as the baby (even if it seems excessive to you). Otherwise (if during his sleep you will engage in "useful" things), then during his wakefulness you will struggle with drowsiness and will not provide a child with a full pastime or a full rest.
  2. Diet - do not eat boredom, realize that you now need to be healthy as never before. All the food that you consume reflects on your figure, and on milk for the baby. Understand what pies and chebureks are fraught with.
  3. Turn your walk with the baby into a workout. First, walk with him as much as possible (useful for both of you). Secondly, apply the principles of integral training - alternate steps with a stroller with acceleration, short "races" - and the child cheer and help yourself. In addition, at home it is always possible to do exercises for the press, small pelvis, hips and buttocks in an entertaining mode with the baby. Let the child get used to physical stresses from the very first days of life.