Diabetes mellitus in children - symptoms

If your child is suspected of diabetes, treatment should begin immediately. This is a serious chronic disease, which in late diagnosis can significantly complicate the life of your baby, and even lead to disability. To ensure the full development of your child and prevent serious consequences for the body, we study the most important symptoms of diabetes in children.

Clinical signs of diabetes in childhood

Not always parents immediately pay attention to small deviations in the child's well-being, which, moreover, can easily be attributed to other diseases. However, the symptoms usually appear more and more intensively for several weeks, so it's highly recommended to pass an analysis showing the blood sugar content in the following cases:

  1. The child constantly asks to drink and with pleasure absorbs any drinks in large quantities: tea, juices, compotes, pure water. This is because with a high level of sugar, the body has to expend additional water from tissues and cells to dilute an abnormally high concentration of glucose in the blood.
  2. Clinical symptoms of diabetes mellitus in children are often referred to as urination. After all, the baby drinks a lot, which means that excess fluid must be constantly removed from the body. Therefore, your son or daughter will often run to the toilet. Also it is worth to be alerted if the baby bed in the morning suddenly turns out to be wet: bedwetting indicates that the kidneys are working in a strengthened mode, trying to cope with the disease.
  3. Be sure to pay attention to a strong weight loss. A child's body with diabetes is unable to use glucose to replenish energy reserves, and this role is assumed by the fatty layer, and sometimes the muscles. At the same time, a small patient "melts" literally before our eyes, grows poorly, weakens.
  4. Symptoms of diabetes in children also include severe hunger, which are caused by glutose supersaturation and the inability to properly digest food. So do not be surprised if you only fed the baby, and he always comes for an additive and eats a lot more than before. However, sometimes the appetite, on the contrary, drops sharply, and this is also a threatening sign.
  5. Visual impairment is considered to be the first symptom of diabetes in children, but it can only be diagnosed in an older child who is noticed by fog in the eyes or flashing of flies. This is due to the fact that with a high sugar content in the blood, dehydration of not only the tissues but also the lens of the eye is observed.
  6. Frequent fungal infections often cause suspicion in moms and dads. Usually they are manifested in the form of thrush or diaper rash, which are difficult to treat.
  7. Diabetic ketoacidosis, expressed in severe nausea, pain in the abdomen, a strong odor of acetone from the mouth, intermittent superficial breathing, severe fatigue. In this case, you should immediately call an ambulance, until the child has lost consciousness.

Manifestations of diabetes mellitus in infants

It is very important to know what are the symptoms of diabetes in children in infancy. The disease can be suspected if the baby:

For any of the above symptoms of diabetes mellitus, manifested in children under one year, it is necessary to immediately give the general clinical blood and urine tests.