A plot to sell a house and land

Probably, every person would like to sell their property on favorable terms. For this, there are different agencies that offer their services for the sale of real estate. There is a way that people used since ancient times - magical plots. It is important to start simple rituals only for people who really believe in their actions. Another condition that must be met, indicates that no one should know about the use of magic.

A universal plot to sell a house and land

This ceremony can be conducted, for example, if you need to quickly sell your living space or want to get good money for the transaction. It is necessary for him to prepare 7 church candles. To the ritual, proceed only on the waning moon at midnight. In the room where the conspiracy will be read, there should not be other people. Put the candles on the floor in the form of a closed circle, and sit in the center. Constantly thinking about your goal, seven times read a strong plot to sell the house:

"Let the walls of the house and the roof attract people. I want to sell this house as soon as possible. So that as the buyer came here, I wanted to buy it at once. To the auctions all in my favor were, money went to me. I will set the church candles on fire, they will help me. How the candles will repent, so I will betray their land! To the client is profitable to sell his house! Amen!"

The candles should be left completely burned. The remaining wax is collected and wrapped in a regular piece of paper. The resulting bundle bury in a deserted place under a woman's tree, for example, under a birch, aspen, etc. Thanks to this rite, it will be possible to sell the house or plot within a month.

Plot for a quick sale of a house

There are times when you need to urgently sell housing, for example, a new job in another city, moving abroad and other unexpected incidents. There is one ritual that will help in this, and hold it best on the waning moon. It is necessary to start the ritual in complete solitude , so that nothing distracts. Take a bucket of water and hands to wash all the rooms of the house to the very threshold. After that, sit down in front of a bucket and tell such a plot, looking at the water:

"My house, four corners and a house, I renounce you, from all the walls, doors and locks, from all four corners and from the house. Who will bring me the first money for you, he will take you for himself. May it be so. Amen".

Then go outside and pour out the water. It is important that no one sees how you do it.

As you know in every house lives a house, who is the invisible master of the dwelling. It is he who can ask for help in selling a house. To do this, read this plot:

"Father, Master! Help, sell the house, take a share for yourself. "

Repeating these words, it is necessary to go around the house three times counter-clockwise. It is important to bow in every corner. To cajole the brownie, put a coin for him in a secret place and leave the food on the table in the kitchen. Psychics recommend mentally suggesting that a householder move together by preparing a separate box for him.

Strong plot to sell a house and land

To get rid of it for some reason, rituals must be performed on the waning moon. To begin with, you should bring the house and the plot in order, removing all the garbage. During this, say these words:

"Money to me, the house to the buyer. I sell the house, but my happiness with me always and everywhere. Amen!"

The main ceremony should be started at night. Tear off on your site three branches from any trees or bushes. Light the church candle and counter-clockwise circle around it with branches. During this, say a plot to sell a house and a plot of land:

"They grew up with me, grow up with another master. For the joy of you and me, you care, me - prosperity. May it be so! Amen!"

The next step is to stitch the branches on the edge of the plot or put them in water.

Plot for a quick sale of a house in a full moon

The ritual begins with the period of the waning moon. At this time, you need to go to the site and take a handful of earth. Another handful should be taken during the growing moon. It is important to keep the collected land separately from each other. When the full moon comes, mix the earth and put 12 coins into it. Mix everything and during this read the plot:

"On the waning moon, I, the servant of God (to give my name), took the land? I took it! The moon and earth ordered the buyer to appear, to admire my land. On the growing moon, I, the servant of God (name), took the earth? I took it! The earth and the moon ordered the buyer to appear with the money. Trick money? Threw it! Did the twelve apostles sell the land? Ordered! The land will be sold, and money will come back to me. Amen. Amen. Amine".

After that, sprinkle the ground in front of the plot.

A plot to sell property on water

Take the key from the house, put it in boiling water and boil for a while. At this time, one should read such a conspiracy:

"As a man can not live without an iron lock or exist without an iron key, he can not be without (called a sold thing). As you people can not be without food or without water, and you can not exist without (naming a thing). Amen."

After that, the water must be cooled, drained into a jar and, during the sale of the property, it is obligatory to wash hands with it.