Plots on the day of birth

Birthday is a special day in the life of a person who has a special energy. There are different prayers and conspiracies on their birthday, which will help fulfill the cherished desire, attract good luck, improve your material situation and find your love . The presented rituals can not be performed on any other day, since there will still be no result.

Plot a birthday on wealth

Birthday is the ideal time to improve your financial situation. The ideal time for the rite is the moment of birth, which is recorded in the documents. If this time is unknown, then it is worth taking, at least an approximate period. Beforehand, prepare three candles of soft wax so that they easily bend and not break. In this case, church candles should not be used. In addition, you need to take a tablecloth and a white saucer without a pattern. To begin the ritual follows in his room all alone. Cover the table with a tablecloth and put the saucer on top. Stand at the table facing east. Imagine how the money flows the river and literally stick to your hands. Take the candles and hold them for a while near your chest, so that they warm up, and then, twist them together. Light the candles, put them in the center of the plate and read the plot a second time on the money on the birthday:

"O Lord my God, give me your blessing. Come through the oak gate, paved to my table, covered with tablecloth. Candle waxed consecrated to me bring, yes the dust gilded, and the tube sibling. The midnight moon hurries across the sky, happiness beckons me into the house. From century to century, my words will be forever! "

It is important to read the plot without hesitation. Candles leave completely burn out, while it is worth constantly presenting yourself as a rich man. It is important that during the ritual, no one enters the room and nothing distracts. Saucer and tablecloth must be hidden and used only on the next birthday.

Plot a birthday for love

Many lonely girls use love magic to get a man they like, so these rituals are forbidden to be performed on their birthday. To meet a worthy man, you can conduct a ritual, which should be started at midnight all alone. It is necessary to light a candle of pink or white color and, looking at the flame, start visualizing your ideal man. It is important that the image is as clear as possible with small details. After that, take a paper of red or pink and a pen. Write all the traits of character and appearance that an ideal man should have. Reread the list, and then. Light the paper from the candle and put it in a fireproof vessel. During the time that the paper burns, read this conspiracy on your birthday:

"Love is waiting, love will come, love meets, love is guarded. May it be so!"

The remaining ash should be dispelled in the wind. Burn out the candle and keep it in a secret place. It is recommended to periodically light it and ask the Higher Forces to help them meet the other half.

Plot and ritual on the day of birth for the fulfillment of desire

If there is a cherished desire, then it is possible to increase the chances for its fulfillment with the help of a simple ritual, for which it is necessary to take three church candles, holy water, two cinnamon sticks, black peppercorns, and a red canvas sack. To begin the ceremony should be at midnight before the birthday. First light the candles and pray. After that, put a pea of ​​pepper in one saucer, and in the second - cinnamon sticks. Looking at the flame of the candle, say such a conspiracy:

"The great spirit of the Lord's help will fulfill my cherished desire, for the Heavenly Father helps those who ask for help. The help will come to me in unknown ways, my desire will grow in reality, it will gain events for realization. It will be the Holy Spirit given to the servant of God (name) that which I ask. I'll ask for a shawl for my desire, I'll ask God for him and wait for execution. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Then drink a little holy water, cross and say these words:

"In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." Saint Nicholas the Savior, Most Holy Theotokos, I ask you. Help the servant of God (name) let it come true (name the desired). Amen. Amen. Amen".

The next step - peas of pepper put on a table and crush them saucer. It will symbolize getting rid of all the dark and unpleasant. Pulled the peas into the street. Take the cinnamon sticks and lead them over a candle flame. Tell them your desire and read such a plot:

"O Lord God, Most Holy Mother of God, All Saints, all Wonderworkers, hear my prayers, you hear about my needs, help me, servant of God (name), fulfill my (my) desires. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Place the sticks in a bag and tie it up. Keep the prepared mascot under the pillow before the intended one is completed.