How to make sour cream for cake thick?

Sour cream is very popular for soaking biscuits and preparing a lot of cakes. Its tender structure with a slightly sour flavor perfectly complements the sweet cakes, advantageously shades their taste, creating wonderful confectionery compositions.

But very often housewives face the problem of too liquid consistency of sour cream. In this case, it simply drains from the cake to the dish. And then the question arises, how to make sour cream for cake thick? First of all, you should pay special attention to the choice of sour cream. Its fat content should be at least 25%. But even in this case, it is not always possible to achieve the desired result. Then we recommend using the old proven method. Sour cream should be placed on a folded four-fold gauze, tie the opposite edges of it and hang it in the fridge for the night. You can simply put the gauze bundle in a colander, place it over a bowl and place it in a cool place. This procedure will save sour cream from excess whey and make the cream much thicker.

But what to do, when there is absolutely no time for straining the sour cream, how, then, should the sour cream be thickened? Below we offer recommendations that will help you to change the consistency of the cream and thicken it much faster.

How to thicken sour cream with starch or flour?



To prepare a thick sour cream for a cake, choose sour cream with a high percentage of fat, spread it into a deep container and beat with a mixer for fifteen minutes. Then in small portions pour the powdered sugar, add vanilla essence and whisk for another five minutes. At the end of the process, we introduce starch, whisk a little more and put the mass for at least thirty minutes in the refrigerator.

How to thicken sour cream with gelatin?



Gelatine soaked in water for fifteen minutes, and then placed on the fire and warmed, stirring, until it dissolved (do not boil). Then turn off the plate and let the mixture cool down at room temperature. Meanwhile, beat the sour cream with a mixer for fifteen minutes at high speed, and then pour the powdered sugar, add vanilla essence and whisk for another five minutes. Now with a thin trickle pour in the cooled water with gelatin and whisk until smooth. Place the cream for three hours in the refrigerator, and then use it for the intended purpose.