Peeled Peach - Benefit

A fig (peach) peach benefits to the body no less than its brother - an ordinary peach. This is not a crossed peach with figs: its name was only due to the similarity of the forms.

The Benefits of a Peachy Peach

Each fruit, given to us by nature, is an amazing vitamin complex that allows to strengthen health and preserve beauty. In this respect, the peach is not an exception, because it contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, H and PP. There are many minerals in it, which make it an indispensable assistant in preserving the perfect state of health and mood - manganese, potassium, fluorine, zinc, iron , silicon, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur and many others.

Magnesium, which is rich in peach, makes this fruit the best antidepressant. Instead of having chocolate donuts as the heroine of American films, take better these fruits - they will relieve you much more quickly and harmlessly from stress and emotions. If you regularly include several peachy peaches in your diet, you will quickly experience improvement in the work of the gastrointestinal tract: get rid of constipation, flatulence, bloating.

The filtering organs, which include the liver and kidneys, also benefit from peachy peaches. Moreover, the cardiovascular system also provides comprehensive assistance for their use.

Number of calories in a peach

It is an easy and dietary product that is ideal for those who watch their shape and nutrition. On 100 g of flesh of a fig peach it is necessary 60 kcal. By the way, this number is also the approximate calorie content of one fruit, because it weighs just about 95 - 100 g.

Do not forget that with all the benefits, this fruit still abounds in natural sugars, and therefore should not be included in the diet of people who suffer from diabetes .