Myositis of the neck

Myositis of the neck is characterized by painful sensations and restriction of mobility of the cervical region. The cause of these manifestations is the inflammation of one or more muscles of the cervical zone as a result of hypothermia of the body, infection, metabolic disorders, and permanent local muscle tension in representatives of certain professions (drivers, typists, musicians, etc.). How to treat myositis of the neck, and how serious disease, you can learn from the materials of the article.

Symptoms of myositis of the neck

Symptoms of the myositis of the muscles of the neck are extremely unpleasant and lead to disruption of the habitual way of life. Typical manifestations of the disease are:

In addition, there may be other signs of the disease:

In advanced cases, muscle tissue atrophy may develop.

If myositis is accompanied by such additional symptoms as reddening and swelling of soft tissues, then this indicates a purulent nature of the disease.

Attention! Parasitic inflammation of the muscular tissue of the neck is characterized by a feverish condition. Simultaneous pain in the muscles of the neck, chest and shoulder girdle is noted when affected by echinococcus , trichinella and cysts.

Treatment of myositis of the neck

Suspicion of myositis is the reason for seeking medical help. It is the doctor who will be able to reliably determine the cause of the disease and will prescribe the appropriate treatment. With any form of myositis, the patient, first of all, needs to provide peace.

When the acute form of the disease, it is recommended to keep the affected area warm. For this purpose, the so-called "dry" heat is used, that is, warming bandages from soft tissues (wool, flannel, etc.).

General approaches to the treatment of myositis of the neck muscles are as follows:

With increased body temperature, it is possible to take antipyretics. An indispensable condition for a speedy recovery is an anti-inflammatory diet with the inclusion of a large amount of fiber and a complex of vitamins. Unwanted products include:

In the future, therapy largely depends on the etiology of the disease. In the case of the infectious nature of the disease, the doctor prescribes broad-spectrum antibiotics:

The purulent course of the disease is the reason for the operative opening of the foci of infection in order to remove pus, followed by the imposition of draining bandages with antibiotics in the form of a powder or ointment.

If a specialist has determined that the neck hurts with myositis as a result of the introduction of parasites into the muscular tissue, anthelmintic preparations, as a rule, of a wide spectrum, are mandatory.

With myositis, developed due to metabolic and autoimmune diseases, along with symptomatic treatment, systemic therapy of the underlying disease is carried out.