Electro trap for flies

In the summer season, the issue of combating various importunate insects (in particular flies) in apartments, houses and cottages becomes very topical. In order to solve this problem, resort to the help of various adaptations, one of which is an electric trap for flies.

Electro trap for flies - description

The principle of action of almost all electric traps for flies is based on their attraction with the help of ultraviolet radiation, which comes from a special lamp.

Then the pests are destroyed by an electric discharge as they approach the metal grid that is in front of the lamp. The voltage on the grid, as a rule, is 500-1000 V. However, the devices are absolutely safe for people, since the current is low when discharged. In addition, the trap body is also covered by a special grid for safety.

Professional traps for wasps and flies have a range of 60 to 700 square meters. Many models for convenience of their use have attachments for hanging. If the room is limited space, where you can place the device, an excellent alternative will be a built in insecticide trap, which is mounted in suspended ceilings.

Electro trap for flies

If desired, an electric trap for insects can be made by hand. The algorithm for this includes the following steps:

  1. A fluorescent lamp is used as a basis, which will attract flies and serve as bait for them. In this case, the power of the lamp, which is used to create an electric trap for flies, should be 20 W.
  2. Before the lamp draw a grid of two thin metal conductors, which are fed high voltage. When insects approach the grid, they are destroyed by an electric discharge.
  3. On the case of the luminaire draw a mesh of fishing line, which will serve as a safety function for people.
  4. Thus, an electric fly trap is an effective tool that will help you cope with annoying insects.