Clematis - planting and care in the open ground, rules of care that can not be neglected

One of the most abundantly blooming species is considered clematis , planting and care in the open ground beyond which are not difficult. With regular watering, proper choice of a landing site and observance of other rules, they will quickly become an adornment of any garden.

Clematis - care and cultivation

The beauty of this plant can be compared with exotic flowers due to the large size of the buds and a variety of colors. For the successful cultivation of clematis in the open ground, it is necessary to take into account a number of requirements of this garden culture:

  1. They are photophilous and grow better in areas flooded with light, but protected from open wind.
  2. Planting and care for Clematis flowers should take into account that excess water provokes the appearance of putrefactive diseases of the stem.
  3. In the heat, the leaves and flowers are protected from withering, sprinkling them from the spray gun.

Clematis care in autumn

A feature of garden works in this season is the need to prepare shoots for wintering. They consist of three stages, none of which can not be ruled out:

  1. Pruning lianas. All shoots are shortened to a length of 25-30 cm, on each of them there must be at least three healthy kidneys. This will promote the growth of lateral shoots next spring.
  2. Adding fertilizing to the open ground. Without them, preparation of clematis for winter and care in the fall is impossible, because otherwise it will reduce immunity to infections.
  3. Preservation of summer growths. Flowers on last year's shoots can not be touched, but if they have diseased leaves, they should be removed and the shear site treated with disinfectant solution.

Clematis - wintering in the open ground

The more elite the variety of this crop, the lower its ability to frost. Therefore, the correct wintering of clematis is important for maintaining the viability of the flower. Minimize the damage from temperature drop is recommended in one of the following ways:

  1. Sleeping of the near-trunk circle with a layer of river sand mixed with ash. The thickness of the shelter should not be less than 15 cm.
  2. If planting and care in the open ground for clematis involves the use of supports, then the lianas are removed from them, folded on the ground, sprinkled with peat, and are covered with lapnik.
  3. The shoots can be covered with a layer of 20-25 cm of the mixture from the manure and sawdust, then covered with a film.

Clematis care in spring

With the advent of the first warm days, the vines seem to come to life and an intensive process of vegetation begins. Spring care for clematis begins with loosening the soil. This will saturate the open ground with oxygen and will make it easier for fertilizers to access the root system with subsequent fertilizing. By May, the plant begins to recruit at 6-10 cm per day in length, so it is placed on supports made of rope, wire, linen twine or metal frame. Tie up the bottom of the vine to prevent the risk of mechanical damage to the plant.

Clematis - top dressing care

After planting, the plant needs careful supervision. Lianas respond well to the care of abundant flowering. For their full development will require:

  1. Watering. This species does not tolerate excess water, but it must penetrate deep into the soil in order to fully hydrate the roots. It is recommended to water at least once a week clematis, planting and care in the open ground, followed by the assumption that the leaves are sprinkled from the spray gun in the heat.
  2. Fertilizer. It is introduced in the period of active growth - exactly until the moment when the first flowers appear on the vines. One enrichment of the soil a month is enough to avoid a deficit of nutrients. In the spring, top dressing and clematis care should include copper vitriol , a mixture of organic fertilizers for strawberries and lime milk.
  3. Weed removal. In the open ground, they take away all the minerals and moisture to themselves, so you need to remove them from the flower bed in time. You can sow its surface with special grass to protect the flowers.

Clematis - landing

Cultivation of this culture, as a rule, begins with the acquisition of a one-year culture. Planting clematis in spring or early summer should take into account some features:

When to plant clematis in open ground in spring?

The best time for seedling placement is the first summer month, but the seedlings are often purchased in the winter, so waiting for several months is problematic. Even knowing when to plant clematis in open ground in spring, it is important to choose the right day for garden works:

  1. A sapling with a bare root system can be moved to a permanent place in April-early May, when the kidneys just begin to swell.
  2. Cuttings with closed roots are more resistant to frost, and therefore they can be transplanted at the end of March.

Clematis landing conditions

To begin with, it is important to prepare an open soil for plants: it must be loose and light, because in clay or acid soil the roots do not survive. Fertilize the soil in advance manure is not advised by experts - it only hurts clematis, let the conditions of cultivation and be ideal. Other conditions include:

  1. Choosing the right place. It is better if it is located on a small hill and under the sun, but is covered from summer and winter winds. In the shade of flowering after planting clematis, one can not even wait.
  2. Avoidance of drainage from roofs. If the roots of the lianas in the open ground are constantly in the water, it will rot.
  3. Groundwater abstraction. In the event that their level is high, you will have to dig miniature "grooves" that will help drain off the liquid.

How to plant clematis?

It is necessary to start with the preparation of planting holes, the depth and width of which should be at least 60 cm. Before the clematis planting begins in the spring in the open ground, each of them should be covered with a layer of crushed stone or expanded clay 10 cm thick. Then the following measures are taken:

  1. Preparation of soil mixture. The nutrient soil is mixed with sand and peat, adding a little ash.
  2. Filling the pit. It is half buried with soil, forming a mound of soil.
  3. Clematis transfer. On the top of the mound planted plant, prisypaya root collar.
  4. Mounting the support. It should be strong and stable.

How to keep clematis seedlings before planting in spring?

If the plants were purchased in the winter and have not yet gone into growth, they can be tried to survive until the spring. The answer to the question of how to keep the clematis seedlings before planting depends on how it looks:

  1. The plant in a polyethylene package with swollen buds and unopened leaves is cleared of wax, because it prevents the penetration of oxygen to the roots. Packing it again in a bag, you can store the seedling in a snowdrift or a refrigerator. If the soil is already dry, it is slightly moistened.
  2. Seedlings-clematis, planting and care in the open ground which is impossible in the winter, may already have open shoots. Then they carefully transplanted into a small container, and then transferred to a window sill. To the plant does not begin to grow actively, it is often pinch.