Mahonia papular - planting and care

What exotic plants you will not find in our parks and flower gardens. One of such exotics, interesting in many plans, is the mahogany of the pedunculate, brought to our latitudes, from North America. This evergreen beautiful flowering plant is attractive at any time of the year. Planting of mahogany is deciduous and care is simple, and everyone can cultivate it in their garden.

Description of the mahogany carapaceous

This plant is an evergreen shrub which reaches a height of about one meter. Dark green leathery leaves end with needles. In autumn the foliage acquires a purple hue, and in the winter it becomes red-brown, after which it turns green again in the spring.

The bush of mahonia in the spring is entirely strewn with yellow balls-inflorescences, which exude a peculiar aroma. After flowering, the mahonia binds fruit, something resembling grape clusters, which mature by the end of summer.

The fruits of the mahonia are very decorative, and also edible. The weight of vitamins and the ability to lower arterial pressure makes this shrub a welcome guest in our garden plots.

Care for the mahogany carbaceous

In the care of the plant is absolutely not exacting, the mahonia can grow on almost any soil and without human intervention. This is due to a powerful root system that extends deep into the inner layers of the soil, where the plant independently finds a sufficient amount of nutrients and moisture.

The only thing that this beauty does not endure is alkaline soils. The best option for planting is a weakly acidic land. Magony is quite loyal to any location and blooms beautifully both in the penumbra and in the open sunny place.

Mahonia padubolisticna very well tolerates a long absence of watering, but still responds well to it, especially at a young age. You should know that stagnant water is highly undesirable for this shrub, therefore watering is carried out every 7 to 10 days, no more than 10 liters under the bush.

It is much more important for good development of a bush loosening of soil in the near-barrel circle. You can not be afraid to damage the root system, since it lies deep enough from the surface.

For the formation of a beautiful crown in autumn after harvesting the pruning is carried out. In order not to damage the bloom of the next year, it needs to be done correctly, because the kidneys are formed on a young growth. Therefore, the branches are cut off in autumn by no more than a third, to give a certain shape to the bush. Old, excessively overgrown specimens are pruned to a stump to stimulate new shoots and an even lush crown.

When it becomes necessary to transplant or transport a plant, it is desirable to do this in the fall. After all, as practice shows, spring transplantation has a very negative effect on the mahonia, and the bush is still moving away from stress for a long time - it blooms badly and does not tie up bunches of berries.

Reproduction of mahonia

In order to make a hedge from this beautiful and unusual shrub, cut their cuttings . The plant reproduces and root shoots, but only not all specimens give it, and therefore only vegetative reproduction remains.

Winter content of mahonia

Although the description of the plant and indicates that the winter hardiness of mahogany padubolistic is very good, but this does not mean that in severe winters it will cost entirely without shelter. This is especially true of young 1-3 summer plants. If you cover the bushes for the winter with pine or fir-tree lapnika, you guarantee yourself that in the spring you will enjoy the emerald foliage again.