How fast to collect cranberries?

A storehouse of vitamins, especially vitamin C, cranberries grows in a marshy area. That's why it's not easy to collect. In addition, the harvesting of red berries is complicated by the small size of the fruit. That is why for many fans of quiet hunting it is important to know how quickly to collect cranberries.

How fast to collect cranberries by hand?

The most famous and traditional way of collecting berries is your own hands. True, such a method is difficult to call easy, on the contrary, it is very laborious. The fact is that cranberries are not an upright bush. The growing plant is often intertwined in the above-ground carpet with neighboring bushes. It is these thickets that must be unraveled by hunters for useful berries.

Well, now specifically about how to collect cranberries with a mug. Going to the berry places, take a bucket or a wicker basket. With your hands, rip off the largest berries from the tops and throw them into the mug. A filled mug is released by pouring cranberries into a container. We recommend to leave at least two or three berries on each bush.

Another option, how quickly to harvest cranberries without a combine, is cutting off small tops with berries. You can store this type of berry for a long time, until you have a free minute. Then, at home, you can safely cut off the branches.

How to harvest cranberries?

Progress has reached even such commonplace things as collecting cranberries. And this is not surprising, because people have always sought to ease their own lives, even in the most everyday. So, for example, back in the Soviet times, a special combine was created, which allows you to collect a useful berry quickly and without any special labor.

In fact, this device has a simple, but quite effective design. The external appearance of the combine looks like a deep scoop or scoop with sharp metal teeth. The collector spends on branches cranberry bushes with such a metallic crest, and the berries fall into the bucket's capacity.

This method though fast, but very harmful to plants. The teeth of metal cut not only berries, but also leaves and even whole shoots. Moreover, it is not uncommon and pulling a bush out of the ground. Because of this, from the cranberries for the next year you can not expect a harvest.

By the way, note that due to such consequences this barbarous method is equated with poaching, and therefore it is banned in some regions. However, abroad plastic combines are not sold with sharp teeth, but with rounded spokes. Such adaptations do not damage the cranberry plantations.