Viskariya - growing from seeds

Viscaria or tar - annual (in most cases), a flowering plant belonging to the clove family. In total there are about 400 species of viscaria in the world, which freely grows in cool regions.

Visceral Flower - description

Among a variety of varieties, low-growth (up to 20 cm) and tall (over 30 cm) are distinguished. Stems erect, fleecy and sticky - hence the origin of the names of tar, resins, by the way, "visco" from Latin translates as "glue". Flowers resemble wild carnations and pleases the eye with a variety of shades of white, blue, pink and purple. With minimal care viskariya quickly grows into a lush floral carpet.

Smolka is successfully used to decorate the site and gardening of balconies, as it can be grown both on the open ground and in flowerpots. Due to its unpretentiousness is successfully used in landscape design as an element of rockeries and alpine hills, in which it organically fits. It is noteworthy that bright flowers have practically no smell, which allergies can especially appreciate.

Cultivation of viscaria from seeds

When choosing a place for planting a viscaria, one does not have to rack one's head, as this remarkably stable plant will take root practically in any conditions, therefore one should be guided, first of all, by considerations of aesthetics. The plant prefers open, well-lit areas, but the wave feels comfortable in the shade. It is not particularly demanding for soils, but still prefers light, weakly acidic or neutral well-drained soils.

Seeds before planting should be stratified, for several hours withstand in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Sowing in the open ground can be in April-May, when the soil is warm enough, and the weather will be established. But even if at some point the spring frosts are overtaken by a growing viscarium, this will not affect its viability, since it has an amazing cold resistance and does not require shelter.

Seeds are planted in such a way that the distance between the proposed shrubs is 25-30 cm. The flowering period is long and lasts approximately from July to September. Caring for tar is extremely simple and consists in timely, but moderate watering - it categorically does not tolerate stagnation of water in the soil.

Propagated by seeds, which can be harvested at the end of the season or vegetative division.

Types of Viscaria

As already mentioned above, there are a lot of varieties of this flowering plant in the world. Let's consider some features of the most popular ones, which are most often used in landscape design and floristics.