Traneksam during pregnancy

Such a medication as Tranexam, when pregnancy is prescribed in cases where there is a threat of interruption of the process of bearing a baby. It can happen for various reasons. It should be noted that in view of the deterioration of the overall ecological situation, spontaneous abortions are occurring quite often today. Let's take a closer look at the drug Traneksam and focus on how to properly take it during the current pregnancy.

What is Tranexam?

This drug is inherently a blood-stopper. And since any threat of abortion is not without bleeding, this drug is almost always prescribed for such violations. It not only promotes rapid stopping of bleeding from the reproductive organs, but also leads to the elimination of pains of a traumatic nature that always accompany spontaneous abortion.

How many it is necessary to drink Traneksam during pregnancy?

To begin with, it must be said that, as with any medication prescribed during the waiting period of the baby, Tranexam is used exclusively on the instructions of the doctor. It is depending on the severity of the symptoms of the violation, the duration of gestation and other important factors, the calculation of the dosage of the drug is made and the frequency of its use is determined.

Most often in pregnancy, appoint Traneksam in the form of tablets. However, this drug also has a pharmaceutical form such as a solution that is administered intravenously.

As for the tablets themselves, most often doctors adhere to such a scheme of treatment with the drug: 1 tablet up to 3-4 per day. It all depends on the severity of the symptoms and the amount of blood lost.

In those cases when the volume of blood loss in the threat of interruption of pregnancy reaches 100 ml or more, a Traneksam dropper is prescribed.

What side effects of the drug can be observed when it is used?

Having dealt with what Traneksam is prescribed for pregnant women, it is necessary to note what can be accompanied by his reception.

As a rule, the side effects of this medication are poorly expressed. That is why it is prescribed not only for treatment, but also for preventing the threat of miscarriage at so-called miscarriage (when 2 or more pregnancies end in spontaneous abortions).

Possible side effects when using the drug are usually the occurrence of nausea, vomiting, heartburn, pain in the gastrointestinal tract. Reactions are possible from the central nervous system: dizziness, weakness, impaired vision.

With prolonged use of this medication, violations in the cardiovascular system may occur, which is most often manifested in the development of tachycardia, thrombosis, and chest pain.

Are all women with the threat of miscarriage possible to drink this drug?

According to the instructions for the use of Tranexam during pregnancy, it can not be prescribed to those women who have an increased sensitivity of the organism to its individual components.

Also worth noting that this drug in no case can not be used in those expectant mothers who have violations in the blood coagulation apparatus.

With special care Traneksam during pregnancy is prescribed to women with such disorders as renal failure, thrombophlebitis of deep veins, thrombosis of cerebral vessels.

Thus, I would like to say once again that during the period of gestation Traneksam should be appointed exclusively by the attending physician, taking into account the severity of the disorder and the degree of threat to his health of the baby and the mother herself.