What is better as a fertilizer - humus or manure?

The issue of ecological purity of products in recent years has become particularly acute. That is why the methods of organic farming, in which no artificial fertilizers are used, have become very popular. As the centuries-old experience shows, plants grown on animal products give excellent yields and are completely safe for health. Which is better as a fertilizer - humus or manure , this article will tell.

What is better as a fertilizer - manure or humus for the garden?

Although both are inherently undigested residues of plant food, they affect the soil in different ways. The action of humus can be compared with a nutrient broth - it also gently and without harm to plants improves the composition of the soil, saturating it with the necessary elements. To enrich the severely depleted soil in the garden, it is better to use manure as a more concentrated fertilizer and only if applied for winter.

What is the difference between manure and humus?

To understand which fertilizer is better, you need to clearly understand what they differ:



What is better to make - manure or humus?

On the convenience of depositing, it significantly benefits the humus, which does not require any preparatory work and safety measures. It is simply added to the planting pit, mixing with a small amount of soil or peat. They urinate the soil as follows: on the surface of the previously plowed area, the fertilizer layer is evenly distributed, and then it is buried in the ground at the depth of the bayonet.