Fast metabolism

Metabolism is a set of chemical compounds that provides vital activity and cell growth. The metabolic rate, as a rule, is inherited.

People-"zhivchikov" rapid metabolism, its signs:

Such people easily wake up and take up work, are less tired and less likely to suffer from depression.

Slow metabolism makes a person apathetic, lazy, prone to fatness and drowsiness. These disorders can be caused by diseases of the endocrine system and irregular hormonal background, but most often the slow metabolism is a consequence of unbalanced diet and low physical activity.

Metabolism and age

In healthy people born with rapid metabolism, metabolism usually slows down during life. In women after 30 years every six months the rate of metabolic processes decreases by 2-3%. Doctors say that the problem is not age, but in hypodynamia and malnutrition. So, quickly to restore a metabolism and as it is necessary to correct a figure probably.

Principles of the acceleration of metabolism

Wanting to lose weight, do not immediately grab for tablets for rapid metabolism. There are more natural ways to accelerate metabolism.

  1. Fractionality of power. Eat at least five times in small portions. It is very important breakfast - morning meal significantly speeds up the metabolism.
  2. Balance. The body needs to get the norm of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Limiting oneself to taking any food in favor of another is pointless and harmful. It is easy to calculate the correct diet according to special tables, relying on body weight, age and height.
  3. Naturalness. Products used for rapid metabolism should not have anything to do with fast food. The most healthy food with low cholesterol and preservatives is encouraged.
  4. Increased muscle mass. The pylokylogram of adipose tissue consumes only 2 calories a day, and muscular - 35 calories! Build muscle allows you to lose weight and accelerate
  5. Physical exercise. During classes in the gym, metabolism is accelerated by 20-30%, gradually coming back to normal after training. Useful evening classes, which need to be completed no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

Water and metabolism

The main participant in the metabolism is water. You need to drink it as much as possible.

Effective for rapid metabolism and water procedures: