Acute tracheitis

A trachea is a respiratory throat, a tubular organ belonging to the lower respiratory tract and located between the bronchi and the larynx. The disease, which causes inflammation of the mucous membrane of this organ, is called acute tracheitis. Acute tracheitis rarely occurs in isolation, in most cases it joins diseases such as rhinitis , laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, which also proceeds in acute form.

Causes of acute tracheitis

This disease can be caused by various causes, the main of which are:

Symptoms of acute tracheitis:

Complications of acute tracheitis

When the infection-inflammatory process spreads to the lower parts of the respiratory system, pneumonia can develop. This complication develops more often with untimely started or incorrect treatment of acute tracheitis.

A complication of acute tracheitis may be the development of a chronic form of the disease. In this case, the disease lasts a long time, accompanied by very unpleasant and painful exacerbations.

How to treat an acute tracheitis?

As a rule, the acute form of tracheitis is quite easy to treat and passes through 1 - 2 weeks. The main thing is to call the doctor in time and start the therapeutic measures.

The treatment of this disease is aimed primarily at eliminating the factors that contributed to its development, as well as all the unpleasant symptoms. In the early days of the disease, bed rest is recommended, and it is important to observe the optimal microclimate in the room where the patient is. It is also necessary to comply with the drinking regime, drinking a lot of warm drink (water, herbal teas, compotes, fruit drinks, etc.).

In the treatment of acute tracheitis often used mustard plasters, which are superimposed on the sternum (distracting therapy). To facilitate coughing and effective excretion of sputum during acute tracheitis, alkaline and oily inhalations are prescribed. Also prescribed are expectorant preparations of reflex action, antipyretics. Antibiotics are prescribed if the acute tracheitis is caused by a bacterial flora or when it is attached.

Acute tracheitis - treatment with folk remedies

Here are the most effective folk medicine in the treatment of this disease:

  1. Stinging the sternum with mashed boiled potatoes. Boil potatoes in a uniform, stretch it and lay it on the chest area on gauze. Keep until cool.
  2. Decoction of anise with honey and cognac. Boil a glass of anise seeds in 200 ml of water for 15 minutes, add 2 tablespoons of cognac and a glass of honey, mix. Take a tablespoon every half hour.
  3. Milk with mineral water. Mix in a ratio of 1: 1 milk and mineral water, warm and drink in small sips three times a day for a glass.