Masks for dry skin

Dry face skin brings a lot of discomfort to its owners, and looks not too attractive. Masks for dry skin will help to get rid of all problems. And most pleasantly the fact that you can easily prepare any remedy at home with your own hands!

When can I start making masks for dry skin?

The skin of the face requires constant trembling care. Cosmetologists recommend making masks to girls, starting at the age of twenty. Owners of young skin a couple of procedures a month will be plenty, the same old masks can be done even several times a week.

It is worth noting that with dry skin, facial masks are especially important. It is desirable to select the funds that provide a complex effect, prepared on the basis of natural components. Fortunately, there are a lot of recipes for such masks!

The most popular masks for a dry face

It's nice to state that almost all cool masks are available. Of course, in some ways they can give way to expensive brand cosmetics, but often the natural composition, which guarantees a positive effect, compensates for all possible shortcomings.

An acidic mask is what you need for a very dry skin:

  1. Mix on a tablespoon of warmed milk, cottage cheese and warm vegetable oil.
  2. Add a pinch of salt to the product and apply for a quarter of an hour.

From olive oil and any other vegetable oil, you can prepare the simplest mask:

  1. Just warm up the ingredients.
  2. Apply on the face with a cotton swab.
  3. After half an hour, rinse.

A nutritious mask on yeast is very useful:

  1. Take only fresh product. One gram of yeast pour a tablespoon of warm milk.
  2. Add sugar to the mixture and leave for half an hour.
  3. Apply the mask on the skin for about half an hour.

From yeast, sour cream, milk and flaxseed oil, you can prepare a wonderful mask for dry, fading skin:

  1. Mix the ingredients until a uniform, thick mass is obtained.
  2. At the end, add a gram of honey and linseed oil.
  3. The dish with a mask put in hot water, while the mixture does not ferment, and only after that can be applied to the face.
  4. After ten minutes, the mask can be washed off.

Another miracle mask - with warm milk, cottage cheese, olive oil and carrot juice:

  1. Mix on a tablespoon of each ingredient and, without regret, apply on the face.
  2. Wash your face in a quarter of an hour.

The grated cucumber is mixed with yoghurt - one of the most delicate and extremely useful masks is obtained.