How to get rid of herpes on the lip?

The appearance on the lip of herpes can spoil the mood of any person. And in fact, an unpleasant swelling and transparent multiple bubbles spoil the appearance. Especially sores on the red border of the lips afflict women. It is for them that the question is significant: how urgently to get rid of herpes on the lips? We offer several ways how to quickly get rid of herpes on the lips and reduce the risk of recurrence of the disease.

How to effectively get rid of herpes on the lip?

The easiest way to deal with herpes sores at the initial stage of the disease, using external medications. Among the effective pharmaceuticals:

All indicated products should be used until the disappearance of vesicles and ulcers.

Antiviral pills are quite effective:

If these drugs start drinking the first day after the appearance of herpes and simultaneously use antiseptic ointments, then stop the inflammatory process in the shortest possible time.

In order to prevent further spread of herpes, you can use:

A rather effective way is to lubricate the inflamed place on the lip and in the adjacent area with aloe or Kalanchoe juice, calendula infusion, tea tree oil and fir, propolis tincture.

Contained in green tea antioxidants also accelerate the healing process. When using the tea bag poured with boiling water, allow it to cool and apply to the inflamed area.

Attention! Since the sun's rays are a factor that provokes the onset of herpes, dermatologists recommend applying sunscreen to the skin in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle with a tendency to herpetic rashes.

A quick way to get rid of herpes on the lips

Sometimes the appearance of herpes violates all plans for the near future. In order to literally a couple of days to get rid of the spoiling appearance of education, you can seek medical help to have an injection of cortisone. The effect of the injection in the place of herpes is as follows: in the beginning, the swelling becomes larger, but in a few hours the herpes will disappear, as if it did not exist.

How to get rid of a crust with herpes on the lips?

To prevent damage to healthy areas of the skin, you should wait for the traces of herpes to pass by yourself. To speed up the process, you can lubricate sores with honey or wound healing ointments.

How to get rid of permanent herpes on the lips?

Permanent herpes on the lips signals a low immunity. To increase the body's defenses, one should:

  1. It is good to eat, to consume more fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, garlic, onions.
  2. In the cold season, the courses take vitamin-mineral complexes.
  3. Organize the regime of the day, intelligently combining the time of work and rest.
  4. It is more to be out in the fresh air, to go in for sports.
  5. Protect your body from hypothermia .

In addition, medical workers advise people who have herpes on the lips and face in the autumn-winter period, without fail to get a flu shot.

It is also important to include in the diet products rich in lysine (poultry, fish, potatoes) or take drugs that include this amino acid.

Attention! If you have heart disease or high cholesterol in your blood before taking lysine-containing medications, you should consult your doctor.