How to wear a belt?

Belt - this is one of the main details, complementing the image of a woman in clothes. Therefore, it is worth noting that such a wardrobe will look different depending on the style and type of the figure of the girl. For example, you can put a belt around your hips or waist, you can choose a thin belt, or wide, depending on what effect you want to achieve. Let's figure out how to wear a women's belt, so that he emphasizes the dignity of the figure.

Width Matter

Particular attention should be paid to the width of the strap. Before you wear a thin belt, you should think about what you need to emphasize, because it can be worn on both the hips and waist. Best of all, this belt will look over a mini dress, tunic, maxi-shirt, cardigan, or cocktail dress. Such an accessory will perfectly complement any outfit and perfectly enrich it. The wide belt, meanwhile, will also successfully emphasize the figure and visually divide the top and bottom.

Things To Remember

In order to understand how to wear a belt on a dress, you should pay attention to the dignity of your figure, because a well-chosen belt will help them emphasize. For example, thin straps are more suitable for girls of low stature. And wide straps should be worn by gorgeous women, dressing him higher at the waist, which will accentuate the figure and visually reduce the size of the abdomen. Owners of slender figures can afford to emphasize the waist with a variety of elegant and unusual belts, such as, for example, various textured and colored belts.

Not every girl can boast that she knows how to properly wear a woman's belt, but as you can see, it's not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to correctly consider the dignity of your figure, which will help in choosing the right accessory.