Acute toothache

Often on the doors of the doctor's office we see a sign that people with acute pain are taken out of turn. We all understand that not everyone can tolerate a sharp toothache, especially at night. Independently it is not possible to get rid of the problem, so you need to get to the dentist as soon as possible, no matter how unpleasant and painful the treatment process was.

Causes of toothache

Toothache manifests itself in different ways depending on the cause of its occurrence - whether the tooth itself, the gum or all jaws. The most famous causes of pain:

What should I do if I have acute home pain?

Acute toothache, perhaps, is one of the most unpleasant. Often it appears unexpectedly and always in bad time. To endure before a visit to the dentist, you can help yourself on your own at home. We suggest to learn what to do to help with acute toothache:

  1. Do not use heat. Remember that you can not apply heat or rinse your mouth with hot water, as this can provoke a new spiral of acute pain, because if there is an infection, heat will "pull" it out, and it will get even more painful.
  2. Do not chew on the "sick" side.
  3. Keep your mouth shut. If the pain is caused by the effect of cold on sensitive tooth enamel, or even just inhaled air causes unpleasant sensations, try to keep your mouth closed.
  4. Clear the teeth of food. It is necessary to clean the teeth of food remnants - to brush healthy teeth with toothpaste, and the sick tooth, if it hurts, simply rinse with water at room temperature.
  5. Use dental floss. If you can not rinse out the stuck remnants of food, use dental floss, but with caution, so as not to damage the gum.
  6. Rinse with salt or soda solution. Rinse the tooth with salt water or water and soda. The solution is simple - a teaspoon of salt or soda to a glass of boiled water at room temperature.
  7. Anesthesia with alcohol. Well, "bath" with alcohol - it is necessary to put some amount of vodka or any other house of alcohol in your mouth, hold it in your mouth so that the sick tooth is completely in the liquid, then spit. Alcohol absorbed into the gums, the tooth is a little numb, and the pain will abate.
  8. Carnation oil . If the lower tooth hurts, you just need to drip the oil directly onto the tooth and the gum around it. If the upper tooth hurts - you need to make a small cotton swab, moisten it with clove oil and attach it to the sick tooth.
  9. Apply ice. You can attach a piece of ice from the freezer to a sick tooth or gum for 15 minutes 3-4 times during the day.
  10. Massage your hand. Cube the ice, rubbing lightly, the V-shaped place between the thumb and forefinger for 5-7 minutes on that hand, from which side the tooth hurts. Such friction will supplant toothache.

Pills for acute dental pain

Depending on the intensity and nature of the toothache, you can alleviate the suffering from acute toothache with the help of tablets. Here is a list of effective pain relievers: