How to use hair curlers?

Women have long known how to use hair curlers to create a harmonious image. Previously, they replaced a variety of sticks, replaced by metal perforated metal tubes, fixed with a rubber band. The process was very long, and sleeping with such curlers was a total torment.

But the beauty industry does not stand still and today there is a rather impressive arsenal of devices for creating curls. Here are the most popular among them:

  1. Thermo / electric curler.
  2. Bobbins.
  3. Spirals (Magic Leverag).
  4. Velcro-stickers.
  5. Curlers are boomerangs.
  6. Foam curlers.

How correctly to use hair curlers?

Unlike curling irons, ironing and perm, curlers are a relatively safe way to create a hairstyle. Do not affect the hair curlers made of wood, foam rubber and plastic, if not tighten them and properly untwist after drying.

But if you do not know how to use hot curlers, this ignorance can dry your hair with frequent use of the device. To prevent this from happening, a spray-thermal protection must be used every time before laying. He will save the hair structure and additionally fix the strands.

Types of curlers and how to use them

To create medium and large curls, thermobigi are successfully used. The principle of their action can differ from each other - they are either heated in hot water, or they use electricity for this. Inside each curler is a wax or a substance similar to it. Cooling for a long time (usually from 20 to 40 minutes), these curlers have time to create a curl.

To get not just a wave, but small curls in the course go papillotki - small curlers made of wood or plastic. Strands wind on them, pre-folded into a bundle, after, it is fixed with clamp or rubber bands.

Electro-curlers with removable metal rod resemble a curling iron. They very quickly give hair the right shape, but they are negatively influenced by misuse.

Very popular now are the spirals Magic Leverag , which with the help of a spiral cover, into which locks are placed, make the hair curly.

Very easy to use curlers with Velcro . They are large and small to create curls of different sizes. It is enough to wind the velcro to the hair and dry it with a hairdryer.

In order not to waste time creating curls, it is better than foam rubber curlers not to find. They are of different types - long, round, double.

Like plastic foam curlers act plastic rings . The strand is wound on such a three-dimensional ring, after which it is fixed with a latch.

Curlers boomerangs are created on the head of small curls or large curls - it all depends on the diameter. Inside such curlers is a metal wire frame, and outside - a dense foam rubber.

Having learned how to use hair curlers, whether plastic or foam rubber, a woman no longer wants to part with them and will not make a choice in favor of a curling iron . After all, hair curlers are a great way to transform.