Hand Juicer

Let the advertising tirelessly convinces us of the usefulness of packaged juices, but we know that they do not compare with freshly squeezed juices in any way. To be able to pamper yourself with fresh juice at any time, you need to get a special juicer - manual or electric. Although the electric juicer models are capable of processing quite large volumes of fruits, berries and vegetables in a matter of seconds, they have a significant disadvantage - they need to be connected to the power grid for operation. In addition, in the process of work, they, like all other electrical appliances, have properties to heat up. Heating themselves, they partially heat and passing through them the juice, thereby destroying the contained in it useful substances. Therefore, even today, hand-held, cast iron juicers are so popular that they are reliable, reliable and do not require electricity and operate on the principle of "cold pressing". About what they are and how they work, we'll talk today.

Hand juicers for berries and tomato juice

A real classic among hand-held juicers is screw models. Outwardly they resemble an ordinary meat grinder, differing from it by an elongated "spout". Inside such a juicer is a screw, reminiscent of a multiply-magnified screw, which captures portions of processed products and wipes them through a special mesh. The screw juicer is activated by rotating a special handle located behind the juicer. At the bottom of the body there is a trough, along which the resulting juice flows. And waste generated during processing is thrown out through a special hole at the end of the "spout". Just like manual grinders, screw hand juicers have an adjustable fastening system, by means of which they can be securely fastened to worktops of different thicknesses.

Due to its design, screw hand juicers are ideal for obtaining tomato juice, juice from berries and other soft products. The process of processing tomatoes, berries and other products containing seeds and skins can be carried out almost indefinitely, which makes the screw hand juicers much more convenient than centrifuges, which have to be stopped regularly to clean the screen from the cake. By and large, with the help of a hand juicer, you can get juice from any berries, fruits, vegetables, herbs, seeds and nuts, except for very hard, which requires a very high effort to twist.

Hand-held juicer for apples

It is not by chance that we selected the hand-held juicers for apples in a separate section. Of course, a small amount of solid juicy apples can be completely processed using a screw hand-held juicer. But if it comes from processing a large crop, and if the apples are ripe and soft, then the process of extracting juice from them with the help of a juicer-mincer can turn into a real torture. Judge for yourself - you will not only have to miss the cut apples through the juicer, but then separate the juice from the pulp, straining it through gauze and cloth. To facilitate your life and maximize the process of processing apples for juice, you can use a special juicer-press. You can buy a press for apples either in the markets or in hardware stores, or you can make it yourself using a stainless steel tank, a hardwood disc to size the tank, a jack and a frame from the T-beam.