How to teach a child to crawl?

Modern parents often try to overtake time, and barely a baby comes into the world, it begins to teach speech, walking, etc. But nature has not foreseen the various stages of human development. Any leap over a certain skill can destroy the chain in the development of the child. For example, parents often ignore the importance of such a skill as crawling. Meanwhile, it is thanks to him that the child develops the brain, muscles and fine motor skills. And the first question that a self-respecting parent should ask is how to help a child crawl?

When should a child crawl?

Many parents who have a first child are often worried about his development and try to follow him to keep up with the norms. That's why often doctors hear the question, with how many children begin to crawl. It is important to know that each baby develops individually. There is only a general time frame, when and in what period a small person learns this or that skill. As for crawling, usually the first attempts to move independently the child does already in a couple of weeks after birth. And the first help that parents can provide to a baby is to spread it on his tummy more often, hold his neck and chin when he learns to hold the head and do a back massage.

From about five months old the baby crawls on the stomach. And from this period it is also important to help the baby. But the help should promote development of muscles of the child. Even if the baby is six months or more, do not sound the alarm. It is worth remembering that some lag in this skill indicates that the muscles and skeleton are not strong enough and the child at this time most needs help from parents. What exactly you need to do you will be prompted by some tips on how to teach your baby to crawl.

How correctly to teach to crawl the child?

If the baby is 5 or 6 months old, many parents are wondering why the child does not crawl. Such reluctance can be caused by the usual lack of interest in the movement or lag in the development of muscle mass. Most often the baby just does not have enough strength to move. Help to overcome this barrier in development will help a few simple tips how to teach a child to crawl:

  1. Pay attention to where your child is most often. Manege or crib is not a place where you can acquire crawling skills. Give free rein to the crumb and lower it to play on the floor. Thus, he will have a new and interesting territory, which he will want to explore.
  2. Stay close to the baby. Seeing that those close to him on the floor, the child will more boldly examine the unfamiliar places.
  3. Be interested in the baby and give him a reason to move. Put interesting toys in front of him, roll a colored ball, etc. The distance should be such that the kid could not reach the toy and began to try to move to it independently.
  4. If the child crawls only in a plastic way, this may indicate problems with the motor apparatus. However, there are special exercises, how to teach him to crawl on all fours. To do this, raise the child by the tummy, holding it with the palm of your hand. Make a support for his legs so that he can push them. Show him how to move properly. Some parents also use a special track for movement. It looks like a hill, on which the kid tries to climb up.

It is very important not to forget that such innovation as crawling often frightens children, and they can ask for help. And it's not that the child is "manual". It's just important for him to know that my mother is nearby, because Crawling is the first experience in the life of a crumb, when he starts to do something separately from his mother. In this period, not only muscle mass develops, but also both hemispheres of the brain. Ultimately, the further development of the child depends on the crawling skill. That is why it is so important to be attentive to the baby during this period and to support in every way any of his undertakings.