How to properly feed a newborn from a bottle?

There is nothing easier than feeding the baby from the bottle. This has to be resorted to if the mother temporarily can not feed the newborn because of taking some medications, Rh-conflict, or she does not have milk.

What is necessary for the baby's feeding?

Not all young mothers know how to properly feed a newborn with a mixture of bottles. To get started, you need the following:

Mixtures are often powdery and must be diluted with warm boiled water to the desired consistency, as indicated on the package. If you add more liquid, then the nutritional value that the baby needs is not obtained. The temperature of the mixture should correspond to the temperature of its body, that is, not more than 37 ° C.

Before feeding, mother should wear clean clothes, and hair is removed from the reach of the child. It is most convenient to sit on a chair with a high back and soft armrests, and place a pillow under your waist, but you can also feed and lay on your side, in the pose of the wet nurse.

Having settled comfortably with the baby, you can start feeding. The child is at the same time located belly to his mother, but in no case is on his back, because he can choke.

How to feed a newborn with a mixture of bottles?

It is important to watch constantly, so that the air can not get into the nipple, and it was always filled with a mixture, because after swallowing it, the baby begins very painful colic. The child should feel the mother's warmth and touch the mother's skin. Then such feeding will bring pleasure to both, and mother will not feel guilty, because she can not feed the child herself.

In no case can you put a bottle with a mixture of baby, supporting it with something, because a child can simply choke - it's very dangerous. It is permissible not to keep the newborn in his arms, but to keep the bottle should be the mother.

The child drinks a mixture of their bottles in just 5-10 minutes - after all, sucking on the nipple is easy and the mixture flows evenly. If loud sounds are heard, as if the child is choking, then perhaps the hole in the nipple on the bottle is very large and it should be changed to a smaller one, corresponding to the age.

After the baby has drunk the whole mixture, it should be put in a column, pressing to his shoulder so that the child can regurgitate the air that he swallowed during feeding.