But in addition, it is obligatory to carry out massage to the newborn at home. It has a remarkable effect on the condition of the whole organism, because during the session the blood flows to the massaged place, strengthening all metabolic processes in it. Babies begin to hold the head before, learn to turn over on the tummy more actively and try to learn the world.
At what age can you massage a newborn?
If there are no special indications, then massage in the conditions of a children's polyclinic is not prescribed before 2-3 months. At home, it can be started when the baby is 3 weeks old and the umbilical wound is healed.
When is it possible and necessary to massage the newborn?
The best time for massage sessions is when the baby is awake and has a good mood. If the time has come, and the child is naughty, then it is better to postpone the occupation to a more favorable moment. It is advisable to work out a certain schedule - it will be convenient for both mother and customary for the baby.
Usually all physical exercises, including massage, are held in the morning or afternoon. Some babies become very active after classes, but most soon fall asleep. Do not do it before a night sleep, because the reaction of the child can be unpredictable.
After the last feeding should take at least an hour, but before eating, do not start a massage, because the child can not relax, but will actively protest, demanding food.
How correctly to do massage to the newborn?
Massage for newborns, like any other, is carried out by movements from the bottom up on the limbs and from the center to the periphery on the body. All movements, especially at first, should be easy, stroking. More active ways should be left to professionals. At home, we should limit ourselves to simple movements.
The child needs to be undressed completely, and if the room is cold alternately open the area to be massaged, and then wrap it up again.
Massage techniques for newborns
Massage of the newborn child is carried out using the techniques of stroking and twisting. If everything is clear with the first, then the twists are light movements, as when squeezing the laundry. Also an easy stretching is used.
Mom should consult with the doctor, what massage to do to the newborn. Usually these are simple manipulations that do not take more than 10 minutes.
Stroking circular movements, starting from the fingers towards the hip, each leg is studied one by one from the bottom up, several approaches. Then the mother presses her thumb against the foot near the fingers - they reflexively press. After that, the finger is led down to the heel, and the fingers are unclenched again.
Each pen is triturated from brush to shoulder, after which it is shaken gently. In the palm of the baby put their thumb and massaged clockwise.
When the baby lies on the back, he is stroked by the chest from the center to the sides, also with the back, in the position - the child on the stomach. The tummy is massaged in a circle with soft movements.
Particular attention should be paid to the area of the shoulders and neck. They are gently rubbed and stroked. At the end of the massage take the child by the handles and make the reception "hugging", when the handles are crossed to the stop.
Later, when the child is older, add "riding a bicycle", pulling the handle, to the position of a half-sider and some others. With time, exercise becomes more, they become more complex, but children from them are delighted.