Ideal or plastic doll?

Recently, women increasingly began to resort to the services of plastic surgeons. It's understandable, you do not need to waste time attending gyms, a couple of strokes with a scalpel, and now a new body is ready for release. But it does not end with pumping out excess fat, girls are actively designing their own appearance, guided by the standards of beauty. As a result, large cities are crowded with anorexic beauties with prominent breasts and plump sensual lips. The attitude in society towards such "artificial" girls is ambivalent, but most of all we are interested in the opinion of men, because all this is done for them.

Miracle as good!

Needless to say, the male eye eagerly clings to the exciting decollete, rather than for a slight hint of presence, and sensual lips excite the imagination with the promise of oral caresses . But do they like it when all this is done by a skilled plastic surgeon? Of course, almost every man will say that natural beauty is always better, but these statements do not in the least prevent him from admiring magnificent silicone breasts, mouth-watering ass and wondering the incredibly thin waist of a girl who spent a lot of time and money on plastic surgery. To say directly that they do not care whose work delights are adorned by their companion, few men are solved, but still there are such. Some even wonder why not all use the services of plastic surgeons, if there is such a wonderful opportunity to make yourself an ideal girl.

In fairness, it should be noted that such men are a minority. And to recommend to the companion something to change in itself by a surgical intervention and at all think out units. Perhaps this is due to the fact that after a long relationship the woman is perceived as a property, therefore any changes in her are accepted by a man very jealously.

Who needs plastic "Barbie"?

If for the representatives of the stronger sex beauty itself plays a big role, and not the way of its acquisition, then how many contemptuous statements about glamorous girls with silicone inserts on different parts of the body? One might think that such envious persons write who did not have enough money and courage to correct their shortcomings by plasticity, but no, the lion's share of such comments is released by men. What's the matter, is naturalness really so important? You will be surprised, but this parameter is really appreciated by men above all else. Only here it is worth to distinguish between natural naturalness and carefully created. For example, a well-known make-up in the style of nude - discreet colors and a full sense of naturalness, but how much work should be done to look like this. And girls who choose this style, often attract attention, than the owner of the calling combat coloring.

It is also the case with plastic - if it is for everyone secret, then men will be happy to break their eyes about the perfection of forms. But it's worth a little overdo and associations with Barbie, at best can not be avoided. This point is easy to prove, just by looking at which girls are causing negative responses of the male population. Most often these are those who were immoderate in their desires to reshape themselves, and as a result, a model of a woman with unnaturally bulging lips and excessively enlarged forms was obtained. Such men are usually despised, frankly using them as a sex simulator. But the ladies who used the services of a plastic surgeon with intelligence, usually have at their feet a crowd of fans, and not suspecting that this perfection was a little faceted by the skillful hands of the master.

From all that has been said, it follows that men refer to plastic surgery positively, but only if the result looks natural, without turning a woman into another clone of a famous doll.