What helps propolis to alcohol?

For treatment, propolis is used both in its natural, pristine form, and in tinctures, which are used widely enough. So, it's good for each one of us to know what helps propolis tincture with alcohol.

The composition of propolis

Propolis - a natural product of the life of bees, containing a complex of useful substances, which includes:

Useful properties of the tincture

For the treatment of propolis can be used in the form of alcohol tincture, while, according to experts, all its useful properties are preserved in the preparation:

What else helps propolis to alcohol? Its curative effect on the improvement of metabolic functions in the body, as well as on the processes of hematopoiesis, contributing to the renewal of blood composition, its liquefaction and preventing the formation of thrombi.

It is widely used treatment of the stomach with propolis for alcohol, as well as diseases of the liver and gallbladder. Its healing properties are associated with the ability of propolis to envelop a thin film of the affected areas of the gastrointestinal tract, relieving the feeling of burning and unpleasant sensations in the gastrointestinal tract. It promotes the healing of ulcers and other lesions of the stomach, while it is not contraindicated to those who suffer from increased acidity, on the contrary, its use helps to reduce its level.

The healing effect of propolis tincture is known for stomatitis, periodontitis and other diseases and inflammatory processes that occur in the oral cavity.

Contraindications to taking the drug

With all the remarkable properties of propolis, do not forget that tincture, like any medicine, can have contraindications to use. It is not recommended to use alcoholic tincture of propolis:

In any case, before applying the drug for medicinal purposes, especially if it is a question of its ingestion, it is necessary to consult the attending physician.