Aluminum Heating Batteries

Almost every apartment uses batteries to create comfortable living conditions (namely heat). Previously, they were mostly cast-iron models, but they were replaced by aluminum radiators (radiators), whose technical characteristics are better.

In this article we will determine what is the advantage of aluminum radiators, how to choose them correctly and calculate the required number of sections.

Advantages of installing aluminum radiators

Disadvantages of aluminum radiators

Disadvantages of such batteries are the sensitivity to sudden changes in pressure in the heating system and the chemical composition of the water. But already in more expensive models of aluminum radiators used in the manufacture of special additives that are struggling with this.

The main technical characteristics of aluminum radiators

Calculation of the number of sections for aluminum radiators

So that when you connect aluminum radiators for heating the living space, you have enough heat, you need to determine the size of the battery (that is, the required number of sections). This technical characteristic, like the volume of the aluminum radiator section, is important in the selection of the elements of the autonomous heating system, since there is a calculation of the necessary amount of water to fill the entire system. For this we must take into account:

The capacity of one battery section in the northern regions should be 150-200 W per m2, and for medium sections 100 W per m2.

Therefore, to heat a ten-meter room in the middle climatic zone, it is necessary to arrange a radiator from 10 sections with a power of 100-110 W or from 5 sections with a power of 200 W.

If there are windows in the room, you will often ventilate it or it is angular, then you should take into account these heat losses and install on 2 sections more. And in the event that the temperature of the supplied water is less than the minimum required for heating the room, it is better to set more by 10-30%.

When choosing, it should be taken into account that there are two ways of manufacturing radiators from aluminum: casting and extrusion. Cast radiators are considered more reliable and qualitative.

Installation of aluminum radiators

Such batteries are installed only in heating systems with 1 or 2 pipes, where the heat pipes are located vertically and horizontally.

Before you connect the batteries you need:


  1. Mark the installation location.
  2. Secure the brackets to the wall.
  3. Install the radiator on the brackets.
  4. Connect the radiator to the heat pipes equipped with a thermostatic valve, a faucet or a valve.
  5. Install the bleed valve and the plug.

If you install the aluminum radiator yourself, you should pay special attention to the quality of the battery connection to the pipes of the heat pipe, so that there will be no water leakage afterwards.