Toilet brush

No matter how thoughtful and expensive the toilet room design would be, the impression of both it and the house as a whole can be hopelessly ruined by the kind of dirty plumbing. This is especially true of the toilet, which, according to the popular expression "face of the hostess." Help to avoid unpleasant embarrassments and always be sure of the cleanliness of the toilet will help a special brush for the toilet. We will talk about their varieties and features of choice today.

Why do I need a toilet brush?

What is a toilet brush and why is it needed? Ask you this question to a Westerner, he probably will not be able to give an answer to it. And it's not at all in the low level of intelligence of the interviewee, but in the peculiarities of the foreign sanitary engineering. The fact is that the toilet bowls in America and most European countries are constantly washed with a stream of water that completely destroys all traces of their use. Therefore, there is no need for additional brush brushes. At us cleaning of a toilet bowl occurs certain portions of water, accumulating in a special tank. And after such cleaning, traces of faeces may remain on the surface of the toilet bowl. To clean them and you need a brush - a special round brush on the handle length of 50-60 cm.

What are the brushes for the toilet?

Most of the devices for cleaning the toilet do not leave much room for design thought - this is a fairly simple design consists of a head and handle. In addition to the material from which the brush parts are made, they all differ in the way they are stored:

  1. Floor brush for toilet with stand. This kind can be called a real classic of the genre in the world of toilet assistants - the brush is stored in a special bowl, mounted on the floor. The most traditional kind of toilet brushes is simultaneously the lowest hygienic. After use, the brush placed in a closed stand, remains moist for a long time, and serves as an excellent breeding ground for various kinds of harmful bacteria and microorganisms.
  2. Wall-mounted toilet brush with stand. Unlike the floor, the stand of such a brush is not installed on the floor, but in a special holder on the wall. On the level of hygiene, this brush is not much different from the previous one, but it is already deprived of the risk of overturning with awkward handling.
  3. Wall-mounted brush for toilet. The most optimal hygienic version of the brush, in which the brush is stored in the holder on the wall, and the stand, mounted on the floor, serves as a splash trap.

How to choose a toilet brush?

Of course, the brush for the toilet is not the thing that is bought once for many years. But even the relatively briefly assigned to him a short period of service, the brush must work with full efficiency. And that the use of this device does not leave unpleasant emotions, it is also necessary to choose it with the mind. So, pay attention to the material of the handle and the stand. First, he should not be beaten out of the overall decoration of the toilet. Agree, in a room with doroguschuyu tiles and designer plumbing kopeyny plastic toilet brush for the toilet will look, to put it mildly, strange. The models of brushes for toilet bowl are rather nice and original enough, the pedestals of which are made in the form of various animals: frogs, cats, dogs, etc. Secondly, we check the ergonomics of the brush - it should fit comfortably in the hand and not be too short. As already mentioned above, the optimal length of its handle will be 50-60 cm. Third, the brush must withstand a certain effort without breaking and bending. And this is natural, because some of the pollution can be cleaned up, only with some effort.