Magic voodoo at home

The roots of voodoo magic go far into the African continent. Her followers retained a subtle connection with nature. True voodoo mages are very few, but they are very powerful. In practice, dolls-volts are often used, which have an indissoluble connection with the energy of the conspirator. For this reason, many magicians can not eliminate such a spell, because to do this it is necessary to destroy the doll itself.

Magic voodoo: how to make a doll?

What is the magic of voodoo at home? Real magic is not disclosed. It is owned by individuals who are not in a hurry to share their knowledge with other people.

So, it is known that for a real spell to create a doll of wax. It is very important to fashion a figure that visually resembles a victim. In this process, you should imagine that the person is before you. When the doll is finished, it is necessary to read the complex magic formula, which calls the spirit:

"Aret koltu ria, those koltu dineva, terpei tepar, mopo damdi, oswi roa swami de Inevo, hired a pair of demi-colt"

After that, take a piece of paper and a needle, which you need to pierce your finger. On paper, you write blood and your lover's name. Then the surface of the paper should be smeared with honey and roll it into a tube.

On the left breast of the doll should leave a blood stain and pierce it used in the ritual needle in the same place.

The ritual is held at dusk. At the onset of the following twilight, it is necessary to take the bundle and the doll to the intersection. You should read the ritual once again and bury the doll with the bundle. When the street is dark, the spell will be completed. After that you can leave the intersection.

Is there a white voodoo magic and what does it represent?

The white magic of voodoo will help to remove spoilage, cure the disease and restore the general state of mind. It will help you to believe in yourself and move on. Voodoo priests actively use talismans and make sacrifices that protect them from evil.

So, to heal a sick person, you can make a doll from the bones of animals and call it the name of the patient, which is read the other way round. After that, you need to read a special spell:

"There are more ekmaras, clothed rumors, retars wider than edae, poise loy kolmi, ritae endigva kolmi, diran wider than azgavi, tamra en kolmi, nidere es ka"

The doll is put into the coffin (you can use the box) and the ground is buried. It is believed that the disease will be buried with the doll.

Privorot voodoo for money

You will need a raincoat, a red ocher, oil, a bowl, salt, dust from the holy land, old coins and rainwater. In the bowl you need to put money and close it with salt. Further, oil, pinch of ocher and dust is added. All this is poured with rainwater so that it covers all the components and is covered with a cloak. This bowl should be offered to the spirit of Oy and read the spell:

"Odinzhe nare parody, cadet lei nagire, kuru van rip off steps, miter riley rite, kurshan porevay lody, niter lei walt kolmi"

If the money starts to appear, you should put it in the bowl. A voodoo doll can bring good, but it is more often used for malicious purposes.

Teaching voodoo magic

Most people who are trying to teach voodoo practice are ordinary charlatans. A true professional is not so easy to find, and most likely such a magician will not conduct training. Can I use the magic of voodoo on my own? The answer is simple: if you do not understand the intricacies of this practice, it is better not to experiment, especially since in the future this will turn into serious karmic problems.