Fried cakes with sorrel

Fried pies with sorrel - a traditional dish of Russian cuisine, which is prepared with pleasure every summer mistress to please their household. Everyone has their own secrets of cooking this delicious bakery, but we want to share with you several proven ways that even beginners can easily take advantage of.

Recipe for fried pies with sorrel


For filling:


Milk warm up, dissolve yeast in it and throw a pinch of sugar. When the bubbles appear on the sponge, add whipped eggs and vegetable oil. Gradually pour in flour, knead the dough and carefully knead it with his hands. Sorrel is washed, shaken, crushed with a knife and mixed with sugar. From the dough, we form cakes, lay out the green stuffing and mold the workpieces. Now fry pirozhki with sorrel of yeast dough in vegetable oil.

Recipe for fried pies with sorrel


For filling:


In a bowl, break the eggs, throw salt, soda, sugar and pour in warm kefir. Next, add the sour cream and mix. Gradually pour in the flour and knead the elastic dough with your hands.

Sorrel is washed, dried, finely chopped and covered with sugar. Hands sprinkled with flour, tear off a little dough, we form a cake and spread out the green stuffing. We protect the edges, we make a smooth patty and fry it on vegetable oil. Similarly, we deal with all products. Ready pies laid out on a paper napkin and promakivaem that she absorbed excess fat.

Fried sweet pies with sorrel


For the test:

For filling:


Cottage cheese weed with eggs, add sugar, soda and gradually introduce flour. We knead the soft dough, roll it out and cut the circles with a glass.

Sorrel is washed, shaken, finely cut with a knife and mixed with sugar. For each piece we put some of the green stuffing, tear the edges, give the pies the desired shape and fry them in a lot of vegetable oil.