Structure of the clitoris

Everyone knows that the clitoris is one of the most erogenous zones of the female body. European medical science recognized the existence of a clitoris in the 16th century. Many peoples still attach special importance to this body. So in Africa, Saudi Arabia and Indonesia to this day there is circumcision of the clitoris.

What is he and what does the clitoris look like in women?

The clitoris is the external sexual organ of the female body. It is located at the lower adhesions of the labia majora. Externally, the structure of the clitoris resembles the Latin inverted letter Y.

How is the clitoris arranged?

Its constituent elements are a head, two cavernous bodies and two divergent legs. Visually, it looks like a tubercle located at the top of the entrance to the vagina. Directly below it is the urethra, the urethra.

In this case, the cavernous body of the clitoris under the urethra diverges into two legs, which round it and the vagina.

How looks like a female clitoris? If we consider the zones of the visible part, then we should distinguish the head, the clitoral hood, and also the bridle.

The head contains a lot of nerve endings and blood vessels, so it is very sensitive. At the same time, it is covered with a clitoral hood, which is a skin fold.

During sexual arousal the head becomes clearly visible. Comes, the so-called erection of the clitoris. And the clitoral hood is a favorite place for intimate piercing for many women.

The bridle of the clitoris is a fold that connects the upper part of the labia minora and the lower part of the clitoris.

Due to the individual characteristics of each woman, the anatomy of the clitoris is different for all. But on average its length varies from 2 to 3 cm. Too large a clitoris can be a symptom of possible hormonal disorders.

To date, medical centers offer services to reduce the clitoris. Also, in the event that the clitoris closes the labia minora - it is possible to perform a surgical operation to expose it. As a rule, it increases sexual sensitivity.

Often to get an orgasm, you need additional stimulation of the clitoris. But after the onset of sexual relaxation, the sensitivity of this body is increased. Therefore, any stimulation can bring unpleasant sensations. With strong sexual arousal, it can increase in size, due to influx of arterial blood and outflow of venous.

The structure of the female clitoris has its own characteristics and ensures the sexual satisfaction of the woman. Knowing your body will help you better understand yourself and get more pleasure from sexual intimacy.