Blood clots with monthly

If blood clots are found during menstruation, you should consult your doctor and find out the cause of their appearance. Do not immediately sound an alarm, because the monthly with mucus and clots is not always a sign of illness or serious pathologies. Consider several reasons why menstrual blood clots and what modern medicine can offer you. It's extremely dangerous to diagnose or invent a cure, only a specialist should do it.

If the monthly goes clots

  1. Congenital malformation of the uterus. By "anomalies" should be meant an irregular shape or partitions inside the cavity. These septa provoke a stagnation of blood in the uterine cavity, which gives the formation of clots. If you also have hormonal disorders, menstruation will be quite abundant. Anomalies are sometimes associated with a woman's lifestyle (smoking, bad habits) and her work. Blood clots with menstruation appear in consequence of such anomalies: bifurcation of the cervix and the body of the uterus with a common vagina, unicorn uterus.
  2. The cause of clots in menstruation can be the hormonal background of a woman. In this case, there are quite long and abundant periods with clots. A similar effect on the character of menstruation is disturbed by the work of the thyroid gland or adrenal glands.
  3. Blood clots with menstruation can provoke an intrauterine device.
  4. The cause of large clots of blood with menstruation can be and disease. For example, endometriosis of the uterus. The first signs of the disease are very painful menstrual and irregular uterine bleeding.
  5. Clots at the end of the month are not a cause for excitement. The fact is that at the end of menstruation, blood begins to clot, and therefore pieces are formed.

Abundant period with clots: treatment

Treatment and diagnosis depends on the possible causes of the appearance of pieces. If it is a serious pathology of the uterus, then surgery may be required. Such a decision the specialist can take only after a thorough examination, including hysteroscopy and hysterography.

When all the organs are normal, the doctor can prescribe tests to determine hormonal disorders in the body. As a rule, do not exclude suspicions of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. Therefore, a woman can be assigned a magnetic resonance computer tomography. If the examination excludes a tumor, then hormonal disorders are treated conservatively.

To detect endometriosis, a woman needs to lie down for a complete examination. After laboratory and instrumental studies, the doctor offers treatment. The fact is that often such a disease can not disturb a woman at all and becomes dangerous only in case of serious cycle disorders. In this case, treatment of copious periods with clots is carried out with the use of hormones.

As you can see, not always clots are serious disorders in the body. But there are absolutely clear recommendations for visiting a gynecologist. So, let's consider the main reasons to see a doctor: